The only cognizant guilt and shame will happen when he drops a bar of soap in prison #puddinpopsuphisass4life
The only cognizant guilt and shame will happen when he drops a bar of soap in prison #puddinpopsuphisass4life
I currently work QA for a AAA title due for release in a few months. I can honestly say that after a year-ish of experience, I’ve only managed to make $10.50 p/h. That’s in California, where cost of living is much higher than anywhere else.
Such indignation. Aww does someone need a hug? You know, you can’t blame the rest of the world for all of your step-fathers’ mishaps mmmkay pumpkin
Looks like a lazy Super Mario Bros. 2 game-alike student project. Except the student forgot to take his/her schizophrenia pills.
oh-my-gawd. my favorite pozish ever... and i didn’t even realize! brain said ‘nah, that’s just her shadow brah’
Bug’s Life and Brave > Cars?
Checking out a book from a public