
So, what happens to the kid? Are her parents going to jail? Is she going to be removed from the home? If so, will she wind up in foster care? Tell me Canada handles this stuff better than the U.S.. That poor kid...the punishment would just keep on coming if she was here....

I’m confused. I don’t doubt that he had erectile dysfuntion, but as far as I can tell, testicular implants aren’t used for ED. They’re cosmetic. A man can have undescended testes or have lost a testicle due to cancer, trauma, torsion, if he was born with only one, or I guess if he just thinks his testicles are too

Your statements about all is older feminists and babies are false. We fought to keep our kids at the workplace. We fought for childcare. Please do not make any more agist comments about us. Although I’ll take the spa.

Women with fake nails is who keep superglue in their purses.

There were occasional actors of color even in the late stage of Hollywood’s golden age, by which I guess you mean the 1950s. Sammy Davis, Jr. comes to mind as making major pictures with white actors at the time. Sidney Poitier, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, plus plenty of singers were also in films at the time, although

Actually, I’m really glad I never used my husband’s toothbrush. The Hep C test first came out a few years into our marriage and turned out he was positive. (Condoms were also our form of birth control). So I never came down with it, and yes, passing it by toothbrush can happen.

You know, I don’t see anywhere where he’s blaming women as selling their fetuses. The clients are probably never paid for donated tissue. They certainly are not paid for organ donation. I think he’s saying PP is profiting and therefore pushing women into abortions. I think this is a very badly written article that

American College of Obsterics and Gynecology is against birth in tubs of water, citing drownings of newborns. This was a practice initiated about 30 years ago by one doctor and no more exists in nature or traditional societies than dolphin biryh does. Laboring in water is fine, thougj and can help relieve pain.

The real reason Walker wants the wall is to keep people in the failed state of Wisconsin from escaping to Canada!

Here is a PR victory. Once upon a time, to Christians, rainbows were symbols of God’s promise to never again destroy the world by flood. But now, rainboys are gay! Gay, gay, gay! Gays 1, bible 0.

I’m glad they’re ending. I remember when they started and wouldn’t admit male children. One performer wouldn’t even let babies in. I think they were a blight on the face of feminism then, and now.

The cat was apparently an elderly couple’s pet. I hope they sue the hell out of that woman.

Bubonic plague is treatable with antibiotics. I don't worry much about bacterial plagues in an advanced city like New York. It's the viruses which shoukd scare you.

Think that cat's male?

I'm in favor of laws that would allow women and *only* women to carry guns.

Periods can truly suck, especially when you weren't looking for it. But cheer up: your period could be late and then you get to add the dimension of panic. 😓

What a huge amount of work you've done! Congratulations!

Why do you say money is tight at Vassar? Other Ivies have manymultimillion dollar endowments? Is Vassar not in the same position because it's historically female? Or is the administration just being cost cutting, pile-more-work-on-the-teachers assholes?

I think they're worried about eye make-up, cause the woman is in full niqab. Lipstick would mean unveiling. I wonder if nail polish is included.

I have met a few people who pulled polygamous marriage off happily. All were in places where the status of women is high.