Netflix and Marvel made the right decision a few weeks ago when the companies decided to cancel The Punisher panel…
Netflix and Marvel made the right decision a few weeks ago when the companies decided to cancel The Punisher panel…
Did YOU read the last page of Watchmen? That, despite all their self-sacrifice to maintain Ozy’s secret, Rorscharch’s journal made it to the press, potentially spilling the secret and undoing everything Ozymandius did!
Wow, an article on Milestone that never once mentions McDuffie. Kinda orwellian there.
The Brave and the Bold Batman!
I was actually thinking of Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond because it shows what that misanthropy ultimately results in.
I know it’s kind of a cop-out, but my answer is, “whichever one I’m in the mood for”.
We all know where this is going, best to get it out of the way now:
In 2017 the TV landscape, despite the persistent whiteness of some networks like CBS, is looking a bit more ...…
Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.
The (executive) devs deciding to “out” one of their popular characters risks alienating fans AND the LBGT community. “Hey, guess what? Baine Bloodhoof is now the ‘token gay’! Pride award, please!” WoW doesn’t need token LGBT representation, it needs to normalize LGBT lifestyles through casual inclusion.