Hyperbolic Idiot Chamber

All they’re going to hear is how the players had sex with each other’s mothers

They are better in respect to less than a minute but still pushing that way.  So absolutely better, but probably not nearly as good as it could be.  It’s definitely a silver lining, though!

Glad to see the ripple effects of Lovecraft Country having a positive effect in real life. Sure, most of us have heard of sundown towns, but the show illustrated that was not just a “thing” in the South. I am a child of the Left Coast, but it has never been an illusion to me that racism has run rampant here just the

My bad. I worded that poorly so it sounded negative. What I meant to say is its still super fast on an external, so you can save space on the internal for next gen games. 

I continue to be very happy that I decided to wait to play this game on PS5.

Jimmy Carter gonna outlive us all.

Follow-up question: how would one prove that once the gentleman has passed from this mortal plane? To my knowledge it’s never been put to the test yet, but who’d take his place?

Who you telling. Gentlemen Jimmy could probably still whoop some ass. That hammer swinging arm is STRONG.

I wouldn't mess with that wiry old buzzard.

I just need to run Escalation Protocol to get those sweet, sweet warmind-themed armor sets before Mars goes away so I can have them for when transmog arrives.

This looks like The Atlantic. Which is a nice look! But not useful for me.

It’s very busy, confusing, bad look. It needs better fillers. Watch all your clicks continue to disappear.

Mike’s probably a better golfer though.

She seems genuinely disturbed--enough so I feel bad for her too. But props to the guy, he handled it all a lot calmer than anyone I know would’ve.

Unpopular opinion: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the greatest. his numbers don’t lie.

I grew up watching Jordan a college friend of mine ended up working for MJ. I always thought the GOAT argument was ridiculous. The 6-0 ring argument falls apart in the face of Bill Russell’s Finals resume. I think Kareem has as solid a resume as Jordan for GOAT. Kobe was the evolution of Mike and may have been the

Rockstar Dundee sounds like a cancelled Crocodile Dundee sequel. Also, an action figure variant of same character.

Which is the reason so many of us Ukrainians have slightly Asiatic features; the Mongolians ruled for a very long time. 

I can see the really famous ones still mainly working the high end clubs like Red Dragon where their fame can pull in big money from high rollers. This is pretty much a multi-floor “girls’ bar,” which is kinda like a hostess club in that girls pour you drinks and make conversation, but the environment is still more or

Hey now, just because he talks like a racist and acts like a racist doesn’t mean you can call him racist! /s