Hyperbolic Idiot Chamber

For real, populations moved all the time the and the people in Egypt today don’t really have much or anything to do with the people in ancient times. Hell, Turks come from Central Asia, so you go to turkey two thousand years ago and everyone would look different. People make this much more difficult than it has to be

And a virus to give to friends and family!

Not to mention Egypt. This is pre-Islamic and pre-Arab conquest; Egyptians were (are) Africans, and, in fact, until Gamal Abdel Nasser and his pan-Arabism, Egyptians did not identify as Arabs, at all. It is only extremely recently that people associate Egypt with the Middle East. Until the 1950's and 60's, Egyptians

Don’t get it twisted. Both parties were firmly anti-black. Republican reason for abolition was religious and economic. They abandoned freed slaves fast. Democrats were half pro segregation dixie-crats until the 1960s.

It’s such a short amount of time! Someone could be a registered Republican at 21 because of their liberal values and then 40 years later still be alive at 61 to see the party turn super racist

I’m no fan of Gal Gadot but I don’t mind the choice. The ruling family of Egypt (alas!) were not Egyptians but Macedonian Greeks. In the same way that the Israelis have colonised Palestine, the Macedonian Greeks ruled Egypt: there are parallels.

And a lifetime supply of side effects from the COVID they'll get.

That one is actually a sequel to a previous game that was released, what? Two, three years ago? called Wet Dreams Don’t Dry.

And a hot plate!

I’m shocked that the party that bitches about paid protesters from liberals needs paid attendees at a White House event.

I’m really looking forward to the changeling, I’ve heard so many good things.

It’s rough down here. Plus Matt Lieberman stayed in way too long. (Yes son of that Leiberman)

“It wasn’t against her will.”

Society can only benefit from a world where boys and men are taught to express emotions openly, that “feminine” and “feeble” are not synonymous, that speaking in a fake Batman voice and puffing your chest out a la Nick Jonas in “Jealous” is small dick energy

the stand holds it a few mm off the ground, which is even better for cooling. Obviously upright is more often than not, the best position for console cooling, to maximize area effected by air. However... not all of us can put our consoles vertical.  If i put a playstation or xbox vertical, it would be knocked over in

Agreed. Especially since I am very unlikely to use the stand at all, and this is due to the massive size of the console itself. The tallest shelf in my entertainment center is 15.6", and the PS5 without stand is 15.4, if I’ve read the reports right. If I guess right, I can just slide the console into that shelf and

Agreed. During the teardown video, my first thought when he started to take apart the stand was “Man, gonna lose that screw in a day”, but then he put it in its little storage area and I thought “Oh, neat.

Brings me back to the days of the “System Wars” forums of Gamespot, where I and all the other pimply nerds would fight in gladiator combat on which billion dollar company deserved our milk money more.

In short, the president had a full-on argument with himself on Twitter because America elected a fucking mad man to run the country.

Yeah I really enjoy platinuming games where I feel it's possible. It wrings some extra replay value plus sometimes asks you to approach a game or task from a fresh direction.