Hyperbolic Idiot Chamber

Missing out on biochem is definitely a bitter pill but I majored in general English as well after passing up law school lol. Any books in particular you recommend? I have a terrible habit of spend hours looking at books, video games, anime and clothes for hours and not actually picking anything out. Glad I could help

I think Heimdal is mentioned in one of the myth cabinets(I can’t remember the actual name) or in one of Mimirs stories but I could be mistaken. A slight aside but you seem to really know lots about Norse myths, where’d you learn it? I love reading about this stuff.

Well at the end of the game we see a mural depicting Atreus holding a dead Kratos so I have assumed that Kratos will die at some point with a time skip to more Adult Atreus. 

The power of tv I guess.

Don’t forget perfidious Albion.

I would assume it’s because it’s just easier to say the names of countries in your native tongue. Some languages are more difficult than others for certain countries, also who wants to hear foreign dignitaries Or leaders butcher the country’s name they’re visiting even more often than it already happens.

Shit my bad. I hate when the trolls actually make reasonable comments.

I imagine the EU. I doubt China would be willing to pretend to be our friend and Russia’s military isn’t going to become not a joke anytime soon so that points to the EU. I don’t think we’re due to have an Odoacer, I think we’re probably just destined for internal collapse and civil war. 

Seems like because she was bottomless and they were showing uncensored porn that they all got popped. All while the soaplands and pink salons were still open for business, ain’t hypocrisy grand?

yes because instead of rewriting the law to allay those concerns lets just toss the bill entirely.

China isn’t the only one who feels this way, most of the pacific rim have plenty of distaste for the rising sun flag as well.

The national flag is fine, it was probably just removed entirely due to laziness on capcom’s part.

This has more to do with sony not wanting to lose the license for the MLB than anything else.

she didn’t really get shut out as much as she got screwed over by local politics. Unfortunately Massachusetts has a republican governor so with a 50/50 split dems can’t afford to pull her from the senate.

Basically a bunch of “regular” people cost a hedge fund 2 billion dollars and now the hedge funds want to make sure that never happens again. 

also this happened today and I’m pretty sure it’s a sign of the end times,

I bet Dominion is mad they won’t get anymore evidence for their defamation suit.

so much this, if we stop talking about it he will just continue to try to bury it in the past and forget about it. He has to both remember the fucked up shit he did, and do everything in his power to make up for it.

Yeah as someone who lives in New England i can tell you only an idiot would skimp on a nice coat.