Even beyond that Biden was a Senator for what 40 years? Senators get paid more than enough for him to get an exercise bike and a nice watch.
Even beyond that Biden was a Senator for what 40 years? Senators get paid more than enough for him to get an exercise bike and a nice watch.
Because he has a eep seated sense of inadequacy which he is constantly trying to overcome, also claiming you’re a ranger because you got a tab from ranger school is old hat because they can spend hours bleating on about technicalities.
Yeah there are always bigots
it all feels like a lot of arguing for arguings sake to me
Oh yeah, I’m not saying using bi instead of pan is necessarily bad, it’s just how our words are evolving.
Is it purely etymological
Theoretically there is a difference but it’s mainly a technical reason. With the move to consider gender a spectrum rather than a binary, so using bisexual sort of implies that it is not a spectrum.
I just don’t understand why if you have 2 and 3 downloaded on your console or pc you can’t just transfer it that way, this whole process makes no sense lol
god I hate people
Graham was on Fox News today blaming it all on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I was shocked they let him lead any committee, let alone the finance one.
Yet another reason to like Stanton.
As a resident I reserve the right to ceaseless mock RI and especially Brown, the Romania of the Ivy League.
It’s also the biggest reason they’re afraid to lose power, a taste of their own medicine.
In September 1842, Rhode Island became the first state to constitutionally guarantee suffrage for Black men.
Mitch is loyal to one thing, and that is the money, and the money now wants him gone.
Apparently the turtle doesn’t agree with you
I don’t know if there’s a single person on tv i hate more than cilizza who isn’t currently employed by fox. He also ruined a perfectly good decent ok podcast.
My Instagram exists solely to inform me about clothing and sneaker drops.