Hyperbolic Idiot Chamber

someone calling their SO daddy will never not be crazy creepy to me. but armie takes the creepy factor to a whole different level.

Chris has a funny accent

and announce who really killed jfk.

I think for COG purposes Pelosi won’t be there, But Kamala will be there to be sworn in as VP. But I am not 100% sure.

A couple of R senators have already said they want him gone so it will be interesting how many of them cling to the sinking ship.

Schumer will become the majority leader only once Kamala Harris is sworn in as VP because until then there’s a 50/50 tie with pence as the tiebreaker.

the fonz agrees

At this rate there will be a division or two of regular army troops or marines in dc on the 20th to ensure the inauguration happens instead of helping him.

I wanna know where the QRF that exists to protect the federal government from threats like this is. 

well this is scary

Obviously warren would be best but you’re right that she lacks seniority and popularity with the donor class so she’s out. Booker could be ok but again lacks the seniority which the dems seem to value above all else. I’m slightly partial to one of my state’s senators Jack Reed. He’s got both backbone and is is the

The worst part is I can’t even think of a good replacement for chuck as majority leader.

He should at a minimum get one because Breyer is in his 80's and we don’t need another RBG like situation with a justice refusing to retire when the dems have control of the senate.

And it looks like Merrick Garland is getting his consolation prize,

I really hope they replace him with someone anyone, well not manchin, but anyone else would be fine.

Yeah I just assume that Pondsmith and co aren’t from California, but I suppose that they could just say it’s in southern Northern California lol.

I think it’s getting the NorCal distinction due to the game’s lore. In the early 00's the US breaks up and a few states declare themselves “free states” Night city is in the free state of northern California, right on the border with SoCal.

yeah I don’t really understand why some writer would feel forced to explain it(I just take it as an artistic choice) and more often than not the reasoning ends up shitty like this. damn I was looking forward to giving this a shot.

And then like four or five episodes in two Black characters make a note of how the only reason there are so many Black people around is because the (white) king fell in love with a Black woman, and because there’s a Black queen these posh Londoners all suddenly allowed Black people into high station because it was the

game designers do not have to justify the existence of queer people or people of color in their media that would traditionally exclude them (oh my god I am looking at you Bridgerton)