You sure it’s not a Lincoln?
You sure it’s not a Lincoln?
Yeah, all on her. Concrete guys mark their work. They don’t have time to do it twice.
Pressurized, but not heated or insulated for sound. So not as warm as the passenger compartment, but not as cold as outside. Most animals in a secure crate with some warm bedding won’t be bothered by the temps. However the noise and motions would be incredibly stress inducing, as would the pressure changes.
I’m no vet,…
I surmise that this rabbit died when it was dragged out of the cargo hold so that some employee rabbits could be placed on board.
Ouch, that impact probably knocked his monocle out.
In my experience it seems like cats would prefer if you don’t talk at all. :/
“Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?”
He should branch out into other fields.
More likely the call for boycott in China, a hugely lucrative market for United, made him feel shame.
“Violently resisting “The Man””?????
Being forced to board a later flight isn’t exactly fighting for Democratic representation in Tiannemen Square *eyeroll*
Naw, they’ll probably be shipped off to countries without strict environmental regulations, like North Korea, China and just recently, The United States.
+1 PF Changs meal
If Mark Davis doesn’t want fans to be overwhelmed at the new stadium, he should insist on a simple bowl design.
The one that truly defined it a long time ago. Next question.
The Wankel may very well have been the little engine that couldn’t, but today’s Nice Price or Crack Pipe Mazda RX-7…
Silver lining, it gives me some optimism for the future.
It is kind of embarrassing that college kids have more integrity and are more invested in ensuring a fair election of a student body president than adults who were elected to serve the people in federal government do about the goddamn president of the United States.
disqualified following rumors of intimidation tactics and a failure to disclose financial information
I keep Glock in the glovebox. Too many psychotic people these days.