No physical labor. Only picks up pen wallet and checkbook. - Hails taxi.
No physical labor. Only picks up pen wallet and checkbook. - Hails taxi.
Nearly matches his hair color.
The treasure at the end of the rainbow
Ohh this totally bugs me too. Posers slapping these on at a 45 degree angles.
What’s that song at the end
What an embarrassment, the way i see it she has 2 choices, 1.) Keep it up & life will perpetually get worse. 2.) Apologize to your mother & father and go back to your family & build yourself up again.
You shouldn’t slam Honda based on 1 clearly dimented dealerships practices. I’m assuming dealerships are franchised out and managed individually. So each one should be different.
....”If I had the money I’d run down and see this show for one last time before it’s gone forever. This transition is just sad.”
Of course they know each other! Most likely his girlfriend. There’s only 1 bike. Several phrases in this article were inconsistent with the footage.