I find this article really weird. There were just two dementia patients in a neighbouring province who ate some of the packets and died.
I find this article really weird. There were just two dementia patients in a neighbouring province who ate some of the packets and died.
I love her. I read her book and she’s been through a lot. She is definitely underused at the daily show, but she has also cut her chops there. She’s delightful. I was so moved by how she just bawled through her whole good-bye at the daily show. She was inconsolable!
It does matter why someone doesn’t want the specific food. It matters because restaurant employees get lots of requests for substitutions. Sometimes the substitution isn’t followed and we flick off the onions and serve it. If someone has an allergy, we use fresh pans, we bring new food out of the cooler, we make pains…
Meh. I know many old farming families out there that use “rape” to refer to canola. There is space in this world for homonyms. Also, they grow a lot of alfalfa around there and they require cutter bees, hence the honey. If you want to be outraged about Tisdale, try domestic violence: http://www.thestarphoenix.com/life/…
Totally. I have to go burn my bra now.
OK. I hope your moral purity serves you. I have to build coalition with people I disagree with on a daily basis and I find it serves my anti-oppression agenda to work across disagreements. I do not consider this supporting the other person's view.
If you get that I am protecting her from my original post, then you fail at reading.
also, "lame" is super ableist.
yeah and when someone says something racist we should have a conversation about why it is racist and try to move on towards repair. That's all I'm saying.
hate away! this is impressive!
OK sorry to get in the way of your hate. Hate away. Good luck with that. I will keep fighting for trans* people's right to exist on a daily basis off the internet.
are you a chat bot? lol
no place in the world? I believe they don't deserve to be part of the conversation of feminism when it comes to their transphobic beliefs. I disagree with everything she has said about trans* bodies. I don't consider her a leader in feminism, nor do I consider Mary Daly or Janice Raymond a leader in feminism. I still…
according to you
because that's a feminist thing to say
I acknowledge that she is NOT perfect. She has said horribly transphobic things for which there is no excuse. She is, however, kind of a radical feminist from back in the day. Is there any world in which this can be interpreted as a BAD joke that was (I think) intended to make fun of Bill Cosby but also minimized…
Time and again his introductions to celebs that I love would do justice to them and that's how he got me. Also, when Billy bob thorton was a dickpunch to him, I started to feel bad for him. I wish I had talked to some of my friends in TO about it because apparently it is common knowledge that he has been a "creep" for…
I used to hate him and found him pompous. But, after enough interviews, he grew on me and then I loved his show. There isn't much on the radio in Canada. Many Canadians are super attached to CBC and I am one of them. Richardson's Roundup was a show in the early 2000s and I used to put a cone of silence on the house…
Not a DJ. He is an interviewer. He is a Canadian darling and people up here are angry and grieving (that he was a secret asshole perpetrator) and also defending him (because how could he be a secret asshole perpetrator if I like his interviews?). It's bad. there's a mass unfriending on facebook based on who does or…