
They should have gone with Screeching Weasel's "Good By To You"

I tend to agree with Noel about the music choices on Buffy. And the band that I thought should be in every episode, The Misfits, doesn't show up until one of the later seasons (5 or 6, I really can't remember). I mean, come on, campy fun horror, B-movie punk songs! The Misfits were made to be played on this show.

Science and Commentary
I'm a research biologist. In other words, I'm a practicing scientist, and I love people, like Troy Patterson, who think they know what "science" is and will argue that what the Mythbusters do is not really "science". While they(the mythbusters) like to go to extremes on certain situations (it is

One of the best shows I've ever seen was with Propagandhi and All You can Eat on Christmas day in 1993. Both bands set up on "stage", really just a set of risers, and tag-teamed songs the entire show. Halfway through they made the crowd play red light-green light. It was a lot of fun for the 20 of us that were there.

Twain on Cooper
Twain wrote several scathing essays on Cooper and his prose. They are quite hilarious, and in my mind, quite accurate in his descriptions of Coopers overwrought prose.

I think the difference between s6 and s7 is that there are quite of few of us who really like season 6, and there are quite a few that think its the worst season, which is what I meant by strife. I don't think there are many who think season 7 was great (although, a bad buffy season is still better than a

Welcome back Noel!
It's like having an old friend back. I'm intrigued at how you will review/perceive these seasons since there is a lot of strife between fans about them…more Buffy than Angel.

Hutch Harris and the Misfits
Hey Heller,
Hutch already did a cover of the Misfits way back in 1995, when he was in a band called Magpie. They were an acoustic punk band. They covered Bullet, and I think I still have a tape of it somewhere. Even better, they covered "I'm Not the Only One" from Rancid's first 7 inch

The problem with introducing molecular genetics in a book intended for public consumption, is most people will not understand it. Most folks don't know what DNA is and what it does, other than catching criminals on CSI. Things like molecular clocks, mutation rates, mitochondrial DNA versus nuclear DNA, RAPDs,

No where in my statement did I malign or impugn religion. As Stephen Jay Gould wrote, science asks the how, religion asks the why. This is why I disagree with Dawkins. He also conflates the argument between these world views. As for science involving faith, observed phenomenon with known consequences I would argue is

@ draincleaner
Your 3 options could in fact be valid, the problem is 2 of the 3 are not science. We, scientists, adhere to one tenet that we can't actually prove, and that is that the world/universe if real and we can observe it. By following that tenet, god or a giant turtle are not observable phenomena and thus fall

Actually lexi, mutations in the genetic makeup are necessary for the trait to have variablility and to be heritable over time. Now, your example of neck length would most likely be created by a complex of genes that interact with environment(ie diet), and thus gene complexes allow for a greater variation in

@atheist circle jerk
When DNA is replicated, an enzyme, DNA polymerase separates the two complementary strands (remember DNA is a double helix). It then begins to create a new strand by adding base pairs to both parent strands. The bases that it adds is the complement of the base on the parent strand, thus if the first

Episode names
I love that the episodes starting at the end of season 1 (or this might start in season 2, I can't remember exactly) are titles to Led Zepplin albums, and if I remember correctly go in order of their release.

Mike Watt
I was flipping through the channels the other day and stumbled upon the RnR Hall of Fame induction ceremony and the Stooges were playing. And there was Watt banging away on his bass. It was a bit surreal.
Then after their set, there was backstage footage of Iggy introducing Madonna to Watt and she had no idea