I just came here to put this video up, I have no opinion on penguins being taken super high in the air for no good reason:
I just came here to put this video up, I have no opinion on penguins being taken super high in the air for no good reason:
Swedish ghosts make you assemble your own flat-pack coffin before killing you.
Threats need to be taken seriously but I’m not sure how much of a threat this woman is.
She’s pathetic and she’s definitely gonna play that card in her defense. Oh poor me, so ignorant, so disabled. Is it really so wrong that I harassed and sent death threats to a mourning parent?
She’s a pathetic piece of ignorant trash. Hopefully, she gets prison time.
These hoaxers enrage me. To have lost a child in this tragedy then be harassed by these nut jobs is unforgivable. I hope she rots in prison.
Nobody’s saying our contry is perfict, but it does need to be acknowledged that some places do really fucked up shit like this, and there needs to be international pressure to get them to stop it. It doesn’t help when every time somebody points out how fucked up it is, you call them racist.
Agreed. I know our country’s not doing too great right now, but every time I see a story like this, it reminds me that we’re still much better off than the people in these shit holes.
This is pretty much what I’m feeling. I tried hard to put it in cultural context, to feel something other than rage, but at the end I feel utter contempt for men who allow their children to die based on some bullshit concept of womens’ bodies being inherently dirty.
The custom wouldn’t be as powerful if the local women didn’t *also* believe in it.
Two things in this article reminded me that I have the heart of a middle-aged person, even though I’m just 27.
But those aren’t the only stores there. They also provide a ton of jobs/tourism dollars.
Wait. What did Tiffany do except make a way for their customers to get to their store? They paid for those barricades and should be allowed to make that clear. The other stores have the same option.
Yes, it’s infuriating. I mean — I’m glad this woman wasn’t actually attacked on the NYC subway. Very glad. Just like I’m glad when a woman isn’t, you know, actually raped.
The Jezebel motto: If it’s white, it can’t be right.
No, it isn’t. Teens who do that are not actually hurting victims of real crimes. This is not a bit of teen mischief. This is a seriously fucked up and harmful thing this woman did. I can’t believe how many people on this board are laughing it off like she shoplifted a pen from the local dollar store.
Sorry, no — people like this “young woman” make the real stories less believable, particularly to those who don’t WANT to believe them. She is part of a problem — not ALL the problems, but A problem. Fuck her. I’m not doing mental gymnastics to try to say this shit is not utterly abhorrent, sorry.
Clearly no amount of news stories or “facts” were going to make people change their minds about Trump.
As a general rule, if it’s Camille Paglia doing it, then it’s 100% being done wrong (and probably very, very shitty, too).
Women hate women. We are our own worst enemy. Madonna is a badass still being a badass in her late fifties. Feminist icon, imo.