I just....... can’t.....

Countdown to Splinter shitpost about why she’s not pure enough in 10... 9... 8...

No need to give that racist fool fuel for his inane arguments.

I don’t think Splinter and The Root get along very well.

“Optics isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.”

Every Democratic ticket is a nightmare for splinter.

Preferences, fine. But the shitting on anyone who’s not sufficiently progressive, as if they are no better than the monstrosity in office now is ... not helpful. Joe Biden has good points, and bad ones. Probably more the former from my perspective, but he’s not a trash monster (a low bar, but that’s where we are). My

This hot take seems a little shallow. War - or at least violent conflict - is a part of the human condition, and the defense industry is very powerful in the U.S. Simply denouncing them will not make them go away. If having women in leadership positions in the armed services and the defense industry helps us rethink

First time here? They ran a “why not voting is actually fine” article right before midterms, it’s gonna be a long 20 months.

Bad news for you kiddo, Joe Biden is going to be your nominee.

Biden has some baggage, for sure, particularly to anyone who takes an interest in politics. But there’s no way you can compare his baggage to Hillary Clinton’s, particularly among the GOP and those who still consider themselves “moderates”.

Your mistake is thinking that Progressives are actually Democrats.  They're not.

Dream or nightmare makes no difference to me. One thing I’ve learned is that that your average (D) is always a better choice than 4 more of The Donald.

Do you take your own with cream or sugar?

Biden/Beto would be a dream ticket for most Democrats but a nightmare for Splinter.

This is going to be a fun primary season. I’m looking forward to see some spectacular bloodletting over the next year and a half because come November 2020, I’ll be voting for whomever is in the (D) column. Be it Biden, Bernie, Warren, Beto, Harris, etc.

No one will ever be acceptable to Splinter except Saint Bernie. This type of rant article is going to get old fast.

Can Biden beat Trump in the general election?

You can hate Biden all you want for his policies and history, and be on fairly solid footing.

There’s nothing I like more for breakfast than our own.

Good, a real candidate steps up to the plate. I hope Senator Warren and anyone with a brain leaves the DNA mess in the rear view mirror where it belongs. Trump will of course kick that dead horse many times when she gets in his sights.