
She really did sound like that.  I have no nice things to say about that so I'll leave it at that.  Anderson does nail the look, and merciless is probably the first word I'd call her.

Apparently, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Going back to the 18th c., the crown has been allowing the UK to collect the rents on crown family lands in exchange for maintaining them. That alone far outweighs the amount the government spends on the royal family. And that doesn’t factor in the amount of tourism

it is quite amusing how American reviewers have issues with Anderson’s performance as Thatcher. For us Europeans who are tad older ( I guess) than the reviewer, Anderson’s acting is on spot. And the voice... it is chilling, you think that MT came back from the dead.. brrrr

I suppose the writer is way too young, or not even born yet during the Thatcher reign. So, her experience with her mannerism severely limited.

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In both look and performance, there’s something almost drag-like about Anderson’s mannered, theatrical take on Britain’s first woman Prime Minister.

Also, Ubisoft shares its HQ with other companies, so the people on the rooftop aren’t only Ubisoft employees (I have two friends working there who are keeping me updated)

While the comments here are likely going to be the usual orgy of Lucas-bashing, I think this all sounds pretty interesting, and it squares with the more political concerns that have always crowded around Lucas’ work. (With admittedly varying quality!) I like the first two sequel films and SOLO quite a bit, but I’d

It doesn’t seem like there’s any possible valid reason to keep a conservator who isn’t on speaking terms with the person they’re managing.  Pick a firm, pick another person, etc.  

It seems as though Britney’s argument isn’t that she doesn’t need a conservator anymore, but just that it shouldn’t be her father, & the courts should really take that seriously.

The Republicans have known for more than a decade that democracy isn’t going to keep working for them. The demographics of the country are changing, and their elderly base is dying off. The Democrats are picking up more votes with the youth and immigrants. The GOP has been staving off defeat with gerrymandering and

Bill Barr is smart enough to know when his efforts are being slow walked and sabotaged from within. This guy would rather not lend the credibility of his name to Barr’s efforts, and good for him. Maybe if it was 2017 or 2018 I’d worry about a person with integrity resigning and being replaced, for years, with someone

He knows exactly who and what Trump is. The problem is that he likes what he sees.

Behavior consistent with a cult.  It is unlikely that any amount of explaining will convince Barr that Trump is who he actually is.  We just have to wait, and then maybe bring him up on charges of failing to protect the American people.

Huh. Weird how despite how many times I was told that there is “literally no difference between Trump and Biden,” I feel a whole lot safer now that Biden’s in charge.

“So he was not impeached”

He WAS impeached. He was NOT convicted.

he was impeached, the House did that.  he wasn’t convicted.

the house impeached him. he is impeached. you seem to confuse its meaning with removal from office. maybe understand how things work better before you go talking out of your ass.

The concern with the vaccine under Trump was that he was in such a hurry to get it out THIS YEAR, that there were major concerns from the medical experts that rushing it could lead to them skipping important safety measures in the testing. Trump only cared for the optics of getting the vaccine out, not getting the

[copying and pasting my own comment from another thread]