Nikki Vermillion

My university had a canteen, but since my uni was in the town centre, the thought of having students not wander off elsewhere to buy their own food and stuff was unheard of. The canteen was just there as a convenient source of food if you need a sandwich right before you went to class.

I tried Lucky Charms for the first time when I was 11 and on holiday in the US. I liked then apart fron the marshmallows, they were a bit too sweet so I made sure to pick most of them out.

I also tried Fruity Pebbles, and they were absolutely vile. They looked pretty, but the taste was just nasty. I guess all the

91 is a good age to pass away at. RIP and thank you for Ladyhawke

You missed out, it’s a pretty good topping on pizza. The spicy meat goes well with the mozzerella and this brand is a pizza of the gods. It’s no different to putting italian sausage on pizza

“If you can make a pot of soup, you’ll never starve.

My Dad was, and still is, an excellent cook, and specialises in soups. He’s also an occasional hunter and fisherman but we haven’t had rabbit in the freezer in ages. He makes the best chicken and leek soup

Our budgies, canaries and chickens go batshit for broccoli, so I’m pretty sure they can outeat all the US states here by the tonne

My Dad is a hard man to buy gifts for because he has everything , but the easiest to make gifts for i.e making cookies, jams. If I had enough time before Father’s day I would have totally made bacon for him

I know what you mean. At least one harbour restaurant near where I live has a sign up saying seagulls are pricks and you’re taking your life in your own hands by feeding them.

I love garlic and cook with it alot. I just really like the smell of it.

Blue cheese smells nice as well. I used to hate it until a few years ago, and now whenver I make macaroni and cheese I’ll chuck some bits of blue cheese into the sauce. Gives the dish a bit of edge

Fuck all. It was all overcooked dry pizza and soggy chips. Me and alot of other people I knew just walked to the town centre to buy burgers and various other takeaway foods.

That being said, my school sold chocolate truffles that were heavenly, but everyone would rush to get them the moment the lunch hour started so I

“Even worse—calling the Morrissey character out for being a racist without pointing out any specific instances, offers nothing. It only serves to insult the artist.”

I rarely snack when I game, I’ll just pause the game, go make dinner and eat it while doing non-gaming things. A big intense game? I’ll load myself up with a pizza or something beforehand. I also often game with some herbal tea or a cup of tea/coffee by my side as well.

I’m not at all surprised that ravens are stealing from supermarket shoppers. I once saw a woman get mugged by two seagulls at a bus station. They wanted the two unopened Greggs bags she was carrying and just appeared out of nowhere, snatching one of the bags out of her hand. Greggs is a British takeaway chain that

Most Americans I know that visit me and people I know here in the UK will return home with as many bags of Walkers Prawn Cocktail crisps they can fit in their suitcase. There’s something about that flavour that Americans go mental for, and rightly so, because they’re fantastic crisps.

Lillian wins this one for me. I will happily eat baguetteloads of very garlicky bread and I like having a bread roll with soup. And I love peshwari naans with a good curry

Lockdown made me bake more bread, and come up with recipes for all the forgotten tinned stuff that was in my cupboard. It’s helped me be creative again

Interesting, I’ve only ever made Cullen Skink with smoked haddock. I know what I’m gonna make for dinner tonight!

Absolutely. The UK has globally underrated local fish and shellfish. I went to the Scottish west coast, found a beach, walked into the water and plucked off the rocks some mussels for dinner that night. They were delicious with some pasta and garlic

If it’s anything like the supermarket I work at, they were probably glad to be rid of the stock. We’ve had big pallets of pasta and flour sitting in the back warehouse for months, thanks to the company ordering loads of it to meet panic-buying demands and then suddenly demand dropped the same week the supplies

Yeah, just eat some venison steaks with a nice whiskey sauce. Best of both worlds