
Clearly, the author doesn’t like the genre.  That’s about all I got after reading this review.  

Very sad.  I hope the parents win everything they ask for and more.

Darn. I was hoping this was going to be Granblue which is an RPG I’d love to see brought to the U.S.

I can certainly see her point. She does have the right to defend herself. The jerk on the other end deserves a dressing down. Sadly, I wish she had just blocked the idiot rather than toss out the generic “all are trash” comment. Sorry to see what happened as a result.

Yup. Now, he’ll get three square meals a day, free room and board, free TV, free clothing, free access to a library, and education if he wants it. Meanwhile, everyone pays taxes for all those items and he never contributes anything to society again.

23 years ago, huh?  She’s a little late.

Scary.  Very scary the things the law allows.  Damn sure not ever going to Alaska.

My favorite bit with Frakes was during his first appearance in the TV show “Roswell.” Frakes was supposed to be putting his hand prints in to a sidewalk. Someone falls on Frakes and he is pushed in to the cement up to his wrists. Frakes leans up, flashes a nonchalant smile, and waves flinging a big blob of wet cement

Wow. It’s the story that keeps on giving, eh, Ms. D’Anastasio?

The best thing to happen to Bungie was cutting ties with Activision.  They’re still on the battle.net launcher.  I wonder how much longer that will continue.

Well, that certainly gives me some bad vibes. Reading a developer say “We don’t know what comes next” is unnerving to say the least.

Reminder: the Anthem trailer looked good.  Andromeda trailer looked good.  EA doesn’t have a good track record with recent games on trailers and demos.  I’m not going to get too excited about EA games until the game is released.  Blind devotion is no longer possible with EA.

The sad part is that he will be re-elected.

THIS is considered a post-worthy article?  You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel, Jezebel.

They changed it?  Hmm.  If I had the extra cash, I would try it.  Pizza Hut used to have a pizza called “The Edge” that had a more tasty sauce than other pizzas.  I miss that sauce.  Frankly, it’s about time Pizza Hut changed things up.  There are other pizza franchises out there that taste better.

When this sort of thing happens, why do people not call the cops? Going to HR is fine. But I can promise you that if someone ever did such a thing to me, I would stop right then and there and call the police and press assault charges. Then I’d might go to HR.  I don’t trust HR to help me with anything.

Don’t underestimate Lucasfilm’s ability to protect it’s copyright.

I hope he gets beat up in prison.  A lot.

She’s right though.  I’ve never heard a guy asked that same question.  Good for her.

He’s selling access?  Yeah.  Lucasfilm will shut this down very soon.