
It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

Umm, you realize Melo is a 3 not a 4 right? And that he moves to the 4 for small ball (which is when Aldridge would slide from 4 to 5)? Right? So what exactly is your argument again, other than you are a Knicks fan that obviously hasn’t watched your team play

There are about 30-35 minutes of traditional overlap for all the “starters” in a typical NBA rotation, and about 15 minutes of that is more or less mandated at the beginning and end of games. You can pretty easily split up two stars (on a thin team, because any permutation of the Knicks this year is going to be thin)

It’s the signaling. Why are you scheduling a meeting with LMA in the first place if the entire premise is “Let’s see if LaMarcus wants to play nothing but center?” It’s also the lack of surrounding plans. Is Ekpe Udoh + LMA better than Rolo + TKTK? Maybe; maybe see what LMA thinks!

Smartphone, dumb person?

This is a clear human rights violation - anyone who shoots smartphone video in portrait mode should be made to answer for it. WE DEMAND PROSECUTION.

Would YOU wanna be the person who questioned the racial credentials of the new president of your NAACP chapter? How bad would you look if you were wrong? I think there was plenty of talk but no one wanted to be that person who asked her if she was really black.

Mad Max gave me such a strange mixture of positive feelings it’s hard for me to even explain why I loved it so much. One of my favorite things is how there is a lot of extra work in creating the world without explaining the existence of everything directly to the audience. (When they’re going through the swamp, and

this future is immeasurably better than the “white nuclear family eats turkey dinner pills around the telesensor after a long day at the button factory” future the boomers were promised

It’s a Baby Boomer saying “Hey, I don’t like this future I’m in. I was promised a different future. I want THAT future back! Gimme gimme gimme.”

“a few years?” Homie, it’s been almost a decade.

You mean the video posted in the thread, or another act?

Do millenials watch Fox Business? I’m... genuinely uncertain who they are targeting with this.

It’s a grift.

At first glance I though you wrote “It’s his damn economy”. I’m glad I re-read it before I slit my wrists.

What Millennial can afford a $250 annual fee on a credit card?

I miss Dave Chapelle.

yeah pretty much.