

Can he and the rest of the GOP just say nigger and get it over with? I mean really we get what you are trying to say. Just be honest. Oh if Mr. Cotton wants to talk about unfair representation why should a state like Montana, or South Dakota or Arkansas have more representation than say California, New York or

I find your profoundness and accuracy alarming. (I have no idea what tone I intend that to come out as, so allow me to clarify my point as - “God damn it you’re right”)

1. I mean...and he still was the number one pick in the NFL Draft.

All she had to do was put a leash on her dog and walk away. This interaction would have been over. But her pathological white female entitlement wouldn’t let her. Now her life is on fire (as it should be.) I hope that couple of seconds of trying to make a black man fearful was worth it all for her.

I would hope you would. Unfortunately, most wouldn’t and don’t.

Unlike all the real and hypothetical battles I’ve seen so far, I’m already too deep in my feelings for this one to be anything but a zero sum game. I just can’t.

Stacey you coming off as real thirsty and real ambitious for someone that hasn’t won a statewide election yet. There are other more qualified candidates than her. Susan Rice, Val Demmings, Marcia Fudge and Kamala Harris. Hell Keisha Bottoms the mayor of Atlanta is more qualified than Abrams. I mean you didn’t want to

The issue isn’t that older black people don’t think it will be beneficial. The issue is that they don’t think Bernie can win.

“Before we come get you” is a wild threat to make over a simple question. Snoop should get a knock on his door for that shit.

Most audiences are dumb.

Tits are more offensive than guns.  Fuck this country.

That's fair. I have my preferences but if my candidate doesn't win I'm sure as fuck going to vote for the names with D next to them no matter what. I refuse to give Trump a vote, directly or otherwise.

And White Christmas was written by a Jew whose birth name was Israel. Sometimes music overcomes tribalism. 

I disagree with the writer of this article on the premise that ‘thinning the herd’ is a bad thing.
Listen at this point in the game... if you haven’t gained that type of support across the board. Thank you for playing, please take the increased exposure and knowledge a few hundred thousand more folks heard something

I think the public would lose all faith in the committee if any member of the squad were given the position.  While making headlines, they have literally become parody’s of extremism and Republicans would never work with or take them seriously.  Any judgments they make will automatically be controversial and it will

At times, I sometimes feel as if the Clapback is not needed. I wonder if we are giving trolls, bigots, racists and downright low-functioning attention whores what they want more then money and power, attention that they can use to fuel their rage and to share with their like-minded kin about how the ‘nergos’ have

+1 Alderaan being blown up by the Death Star

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

It’s too bad. Brown seemed to really want to be on the Raiders, but ultimately he just got cold feet.