
Yeah, this one needs to stay up because nothing, and I mean nothing, better captures white music than this statue. It’s all there.. overlord white man triumphantly self-satisfied with his own negro playing songs to make mighty white man feel better yes, but mostly to make mighty white man reel in hard owned money

In theory, this would be a great impetus for LA to build public transportation.

I don’t have anything pertinent to add, but I just wanted to say that this was a hell of an article. I don’t follow boxing or MMA very closely, but I was riveted. VERY well done.

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

Bingo. Except the treason part. Incompetence isn’t treason, it’s tradition.

Yeah, just lets forget about how Novack spoke about how she was treated compared to Baldwin, and just dwell on the fact that YOU’VE experienced flight issues and their experiences aren’t valid.

Do not read this reply if you are unable to take someone being extremely abrasive and cold. I will not spare you a single detail or truth, and will likely as a result trample all over your sentiments.

Oh you mean the myriad of slice of life, ecchi, and sequels to series I didn’t watch... um yes.

What I honestly cannot wrap my head around are the white voters who flipped from voting for Pres. Obama to voting for Trump. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

It’s from the deck. It’s a combination of about 25 separate pictures that I stitched together.

Dunk Plus judge rewards 2.5 points.

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”

Conservatives: “We hate blacks, Muslims, women, the poor, unions, GLBT, and basically anyone who doesn’t fit into into our vision of what America should be.

hillary just as bad! right?! FUCKING E-MAILS RIGHT?!

General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

Let me rephrase that: “Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to all the working class African Americans being lumped in with knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country, who have never left the red state they were born in and absolutely do not have the resources to relocate. It’s not the job of California,