
You know what one and done Verzuz I’d love to see, but will never happen? Arrested Development vs. The Fugees. Also, Digable Planets vs. US3

It was sunny....but chilly AF on the north side, fam

I’ve driven about Texas (Austin, primarily) and not one problem did I ever have, especially since everybody there knows that the left lane is for passing or sustaining high warp in.

Now, to your comment about Pittsburgh, I’m convinced you’re high. You see, I live there, and I want to murder every one of these

Can we talk about the top dispensing Polaroid camera used in that last shot? Let’s skip the fact that they’re using a film camera (and aren’t pros), WHY DID THE PICTURE COME OUT THE TOP?!

(I swear to God and anything and everything you hold dear I am doing this from memory, and feel free to verify and bask in the awe of a TRUE Star Trek nerd that happens to have a life lol)

And now, Biden’s going to pack the Court like a chillum at a festival because that Mitch-ass figure has given him no choice, and I am THERE for that

...and like Biden isn’t gonna pack the fuck out of the Court (he literally HAS to now. He’s not going to be given a choice, he just wanted to see the GOP pull the trigger and piss off everyone they’re going to need that close to an election first. All he has to do is keep his mouth closed on the issue until the

Every time I hear a black man say “female” to refer to a woman, I think of the Ferengi, and it makes me cringe even more.

So, let’s see if we have this right. The grand jury came back with off-brand cranberry cocktail and Korski instead of a proper charge because it’s clear they weren’t presented evidence that the FBI:

She has a MASSIVE war chest and it’s still not going to help her come back from 12 down

Espy is within 1 in Alabama. Harrison is statistically tied. Bullock is within 2. Warnock is in a THREE-way tie.

Alabama, South Carolina, Montana, Georgia.

That’s how you flip a chamber: make the bad guys play defense on their home

This is absolutely par for the course for Dublin. Dublin is that ONE suburb that every decently sized city has that reeks of SO much privilege that even invoking its name makes it sound douchey in context. For example, for my hometown of Akron, that suburb is Hudson, OH

From The Atlantic’s piece: “The most radical thread in the 1619 Project is not its contention that slavery’s legacy continues to shape American institutions; it’s the authors’ pessimism that a majority of white people will abandon racism and work with black Americans toward a more perfect union.”

This is the thing

And if this had been black people, I bet you they’d have found a way to adapt Stand Your Ground as an excuse to let brass fly

The only way that that plastic hunk of crap can even hope to look cool is if someone makes a Borg Cube case mod for it.

Please tell me there’s at least ONE honest nerd at Microsoft who at least pitched the idea....

If Taco Hell doesn’t put out a release within the week that says something to the effect of “Nah, we just playin’” then Chipotle needs to start making them but better (better not be no damn $9 for the shit though) and eat ALL OF Taco Bell’s lunch

So does Sony not want to make money, or are they just declaring their intent to surrender the Console Wars so they can try to pull a Nintendo and be a niche?

Microsoft now needs come come out with a metric FUCKTON of GOOD games, and get compatibility support for more of their older titles and they will upend the game.

That is a damn SERMON, and you’ve just taken anyone who read that to church.

Preach, Rev

Mitch-ass nigga Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)

This is a thing of beauty right here.

Now, we just need a Frank Lucas/Alonzo Harris gif with the edit

You right. They just need to go full Willie Horton and be done. Everyone know what it is now

Shit is right, and shit is tight. Even down to the fucking casting! (you need a boujiggity ass ex to set that contrast off. Prime T.C Carson at maximum asshole)