
And just like that, we have a new UrbanDictionary entry:

Trump: n. pussy ass bitch

ex. Man, don’t be such a Trump, it’s not that far!
     Look at this Trump nigga thinking he the shit

I have one rule concerning the holidays. ONE rule: Do NOT Christmas at me until 11:58:30 am (or thereabouts) Thanksgiving morning. When Santa Claus enters Herald Square to end Macy’s, then, and ONLY then, may you come at me bro with the marketing and the carols etc. Until then, you can cram that right up your chimney

Yes. Yes! YES GODDAMMIT! I don’t care Martin Lawrence looks like he’s been smuggling produce the hard way, Will Smith blows shit up, the music is good (even the portmanteau of the themes from both movies) and, oh yeah, JOEY PANTS HAS A 70s COP STACHE!

Please invent a time machine so I can pop forward in time, give them

If only there was a playoff veteran quarterback that was healthy, ready to go after a long vacation, and doesn’t suck that they could sign and be IMMEDIATELY credible....

Lack of ordering (and FULLY understood), and a few omissions or substitutions aside (“The Crossroads” for dispelling the notion that speed kills, “Rapper’s Delight”—Blondie’s “Atomic” if we’re REALLY being honest with ourselves— for being first. X for just being X) this is basically the rock right here.

Colts inevitably signing Christian Hackenberg to a oner or twoer should be all the proof one needs to prove collusion because there can’t possibly be any excuses left after the Jets brought Josh freakin McClown down from the attic. Unless they’re committed to tank now to secure whichever college QB wins this year’s

I see the GOP reacted to this about as fast they did after the one—two?...hey, how many times did they hang Obama effigies from trees and loudly declared their intent to do fuck all?

Akron, OH is “known” for two things in the culinary world. The first is the hamburger (via the Menches Brothers), the best of which, the Galley Boy, you get at Swenson’s (fuck Skyway!).

The second, and the reason for the season, are jojos. The heathens not from the 330, who will equally claim their genesis, will

I forsee a Marianne Williamson bump in the Black Power Rankings.

True....but I’m fairly-no, absolutely- certain that the B-1B Lancer it’s replacing is supersonic

Star Trek has ZERO problem with black people putting work in (LaForge, Worf, Sisko, Tuvok, Burnham, Idris on the heel turn), but Key as nu-Picard would be HILARIOUS

I’m two years into mine, having known her for six years previous and going through some shit, and even after having asked her what her preference is (to be called by her FULL first name. Yes, my bruthas and sistas, she’s white), I STILL feel awkward about it. She’s in my phone still as “Ms. X” (last initial changed

I want a man with a tattoo on his dick! Have I got the right man?!”


I defy anyone to tell me straight-face and no bullshit that the Ace Combat series from 4 on—EXCLUDING ASSAULT HORIZON—didn’t have good music.

Women (and of color) and Latinx cadidates in the top three. As I would expect from a Democratic Party that is based on and champions diversity. Now if we could make sure the DNC follows suit, we’d be straight

As I told my wife the second after it happened, Kamala started her night with the (first) mic drop moment of the debate: pimpslapping every person on the stage into silence.

Tigres shuld have kept the ball on the ground instead of relying on the flip six three hole so much. It’s only by the grace of Johnny Rico that they got away with that as much as they did

Sorry, reopening the matter slightly only because you declared it closed with such McConnell-esque élan . I won’t say “SNL actors suck now” because I can roll with some of the cast OUTSIDE of SNL, but I will say that Kenan (let’s at least get his name right, yeah?) is *selectively* funny. Steve Harvey and this

That red is on point though

Just wanted to point out the obvious sad but fucked trend line here, so we’re all clear on the point:

The blacker, more defenseless and innocent you are, the more likely you will be shot by the cops for no goddamn reason