
I have a sliding scale for fanservice: if the fanservice is in service to the PLOT, then hell yeah (Kill la Kill, Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova). If the fanservice is for the fans AND done tastefully or humourously, then I’m fine (Infinite Stratos, Love Hina). If it’s done just because, but not in a dangerous (read

The deal was that Modell got to move the team to Baltimore (who did have a team in the past that got itself Modell’ed to Indianapolis to become the Colts), keeping the personnel contracts intact, but the team name history etc stayed here, and that Cleveland (in exchange for tearing down Municipal Stadium) would have

“I’d say this gif represents the Browns’ entire season but we all know it really represents the [expansion frachise]’s entire history.

Corrected for accuracy. You’re welcome

-Loyal Cleveland Browns fan who is astutely aware that they are sucking all of the dongs this season, and will be the butt of every football

Why the Browns won’t win this season: Because that was the terms of the deal that N.E. Ohians made with Satan. We had to pick a team to tank in exchange for the Cavs rocking it out, and the Brownies drew the short stick. Nothing personal, just business.

While only love can break your heart, I bet good money there was enough zip on that ball to have given him the equivalent of a milk bottle symphony upside his head.

(Let’s see who gets that...if I get ungrayed for this...)

I know I’m beating a dead horse at this point, but holy hell Batman, how many steps can you take before you’re called for travelling?

How to Fix the Browns:

Step 1: Find a burlap bag
Step 2: Place Jimmy Haslam in it
Step 3: Beat the bag senseless
Step 4: Mail the bag to Timbuktu
Step 5: Send an invitation beej to Dan Gilbert to buy the team

For the love of God, can we please get Dan Gilbert to buy this team? At least he knows how to build a winner. Shit, gimme the Dolans on the line. They can make contenders too.

To a team that was SUPPOSED to win it all and it not even be close. (full disclosure, I’m a Tribe fan who lives in NE Ohio, and THOROUGHLY enjoyed taking Golden State down a peg.)

Saw Haim at Wayhome and was pleasantly surprised

Loving the shade that was thrown on Golden State

Dude, three gets you to the antebellum South. My great-grandfather was born in 1890. It’s not a stretch

Hillary is about to bury the hatchet with Trump’s skull

You want key changes? I got three words for you: Eurovision Song Contest

Aww....worried we’ll win two major championships in a year? Well, if it makes you feel better, the Browns still suck (and I still love them)

I want everyone who was bitching about Kill La Kill (whose fanservice [that served a purpose, mind you] was EXPLICITLY shaded by the CREATORS themselves IN THE ANIME ITSELF) to either begin going ham about this, or offer immediate apologies and beejs for their previous inanity

In sixteen seconds, Kevin Love earned himself at least a blowjob anywhere in the Northeast Ohio area for the rest of his natural life...or until he directly causes us to lose a ‘chip

I never thought I would ever see that last line played straight in my lifetime, let alone while I’m still young enough to talk shit and enjoy it.

Screw Boston. #GoTribe!

+500,000 for the Courtney Barnett reference (and my favorite song from her too! “Depreston”, for those who don’t know)