
Let the baby photoshopping Benghazi scandal begin!

Will, the pronounciation is more like chaum-blee (or even chaum-blae), accents depending.

La Find du Monde is my win, and you can find it in Giant Eagle in NE Ohio (that's the fricking GROCERY STORE). Other beers, ranked:

I have seen (not personally, photos) Martine McCutcheon (Natalie) in a bikini and you have to be fucking high if you think she's fat.

That's elite level right there. Question is, how many viewers actually understood what that was?

Side note: your generational diffs apply, personally, I was thinking KAMEHAMEHA!


I love the suit (perhaps the coach?) who does the three point handshake with Curry with authority, then turns his back like a BOSS

She rocked out with her Spock out, but she made one mistake....

OSU-That team we just beat again who hasn't won in Columbus in this century/millennium (both are accurate) is the best rivalry in college sports!

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War and Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation: Because the plots are awesome, the cinematic stories are sweet and the characters are engaging

Rich, as always, on point with the breakdown. I agree with the Gundam analogy, but I would take it one step further. I wouldn't say that it's Gundam turned on its head, only because Gurren Lagann does such a good job of doing exactly that (remember, [SPOILERS AHEAD!] though the Earth is saved, and crap looks happy,

Because real badasses stand in front of and walk away from explosions.

Two words: Gurren Lagann

Indians are fine, Chief Wahoo will go, even though they pay off the tribes for licensing

I'm Link. I'm depressingly valiant.

To quote Penn Jillette , "fuck you, Frank!"

I like the Gundam adds, but no White Base, Archangel or Minerva? The hell?

Not taking too much from him, because this is definitely skill, but anyone that's a good stick in the Ace Combat series can pull this off too.

I think they all saw how bad the Big Ten is floundering and decided to call for reinforcements.

He owns a team in freaking ATLANTA. Did he really think he was going to be able to have a majority white demo there? If so, then he shouldn't have been an NBA owner in the first place for being stupid. Racist, maybe, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt because he at least had the good sense to cloak the

That's my favorite track in Zero, followed by the track from Glacial Skies, and Glatisant

Now playing

Ace Combat 5 (and by extension, its sequel, Ace Combat Zero) has some damn good music. Two of my personal favorites: Ice Cage (Mission 14, and the mission itself is beautful)