
I was about to blast everything about this design until I thought about it - goddamn this thing would sell well.

I think a lot of people are stuck in thinking about the screen/touch surface being dependent on traditional mediums. I thought this old concept had a pretty decent idea even if the interface itself was pretty gross looking. [vimeo.com]

Nearly as good? This thing was leaps and bounds above Red Tails. From the first shot in Red Tails, it looked like a made for TV movie.

nothing on Samsung Nexus S 4G (sprint)

thanks! was going to use a photo of the car but i love this one. (btw, it was an FC RX-7 with a V8 swap - got torque?)

gah, can't believe i missed the deadline on this one! here's mine just for the hell of it.

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yes, and this is why. Even though it'll take at least 4 generations of bendable phones to get anywhere useful, I'd rather it get off the ground now so the innovation can get going.

Can't believe the deadline was so quick on this one! I definitely would have asked my friend to submit this picture taken in Washington Square Park! (posted here with her permission)

I used to love Samurize when I still used Windows XP, but it hasn't been in development lately. Rainmeter was good for awhile, but the flexibility requires far too much guess and checking for everyday use.

Proposed Question To Jalops:

Does anyone know if this is part of a second generation of galaxy phones?

@Boston: so they could see what barrichello looked like driving in the US?

Really enjoyed this one, particularly since the last two years I've been able to dig into my inner jalop. Bought a '93 last year and due to an unfortunate accident I'll have to get another car, but I've had an eye on an '87... I'd love to read a section on DIY stuff from the crowd, especially entry-level jalops!

Wow, that's a damn shame. Insurance really sucks on older cars when you're not at fault. I had a vaguely similar situation with my 17 yr old Corrado, and the payout won't fix the car without putting me in debt (college student).

Now playing

@Triborough: To say electric cars are not innovative is boldly ignorant remark. I'm biased to think that you said this because you prefer cars associated with an internal combustion engine? I actually do too, but take a look at this video.

@Mattizzle: I'm having the same thoughts, and trying to find justification for the 4.0 update. e-mail threading seems like it may be worth it, but honestly after the many times i've gone through the painless jailbreak process, I don't know that it'd be so bad. I think I'll be sticking with 3.1 till the

@THEMISSING (ain't hearing your sh_t): I've refused buying Madden for many of the reasons that are obvious, and Backbreaker is the first football game I've bought since 2001.

@DrunkenMessiah: Don't know how new of a VR6 car you're looking for, but if you look back a little further, you may find a few gems.