Of course, this is your diet, and you’re allowed to be as strict with it as you like
Of course, this is your diet, and you’re allowed to be as strict with it as you like
I love my knock off version. The radio version is still pricey enough...
knock off version linked below...
I love my knock off version. The radio version is still pricey enough...
knock off version linked below...
there are dozens of us!
Keto is the only diet I’ve ever tried that has had a lasting effect on my weight and health. Here’s a post I wrote when I finished my first year of keto https://www.ketochow.xyz/2015/10/1-year-of-keto/
Will you recommend my comment I made below, I want to get it out of the grey, $40 is a crazy price...
anyway use SHAREit, which is free. I transfer files between my android phone and ipad all the time with this. I assume I can transfer vice versa as well... Also Pushbullet worked really bad for me too....
$39.95(?!?!?) just use SHAREit, which is free. I transfer files between my android phone and ipad all the time with this. I assume I can transfer vice versa as well...
Is there a free alternative? Pushbullet hasn’t worked well for me.
Look, I have Pokemon. I have the best Pokemon, believe me.
I live in California, so... just a lamp.
Does anyone know was there a punnet case designed for the latest Raspberry Pi? There was a case for the previous one, but I cant see any updated plans.
hahaha haha, “cleaning” the “shower”, lolz, its a shower, it cleans itself, and you, thats the point of it...
Yea, how much is this going to be I wonder so. It looks a bit like vaporware to me...
Yea, how much is this going to be I wonder so. It looks a bit like vaporware to me...
This really is a great deal. Scooped one up about 6 months ago and have no complaints. I hadn’t owned a laptop in a few years, and had told myself I would save up for a top of the line one. After using this, I don’t know if I’ll ever buy an expensive one. It does what I need, is competently designed and runs well…
This really is a great deal. Scooped one up about 6 months ago and have no complaints. I hadn’t owned a laptop in a…
I don’t mind it, actually. It’s so much worse to be enjoying a VR game and then suddenly feel queasy when you move, that it’s totally a fine trade-off. It’s like a point-and-click game or perhaps even like how you stop noticing cuts when watching a TV show. Think about how little you even notice cuts when watching…
the hard part for me in using dumbbells is getting them into position to actually do the exercise. i can bench 330 but i’d have a hell of a time getting 2 100 pound DBs to my side to actually bench them. when i bench, i work up in weight and ask someone around me to spot. it’s never enough where i couldn’t help get it…
thanks Peter, good bit of info there. I’ll try out those options and try get bench presses back into my workout once or twice a week. As you say, I’m not massively into building, just keeping fit
You can’t go as heavy with dumbbells, so you won’t get as much of a stimulus. If absolute strength and size (i.e. be as big and/or as strong as YOU possibly can be) aren’t your goals and you’re generally just trying to be fit, you’re fine. Also, you can bench without being spotted. Possibilities are (a) don’t go super…
That does not make much sense. The nutritional labeling requirements already use sophisticated methods to estimate how much net energy is released through digestion. That is why carrots have such a low energy content even though they might release a lot more energy if you simply ignited them in a lab.
I would say that the only disadvantage could be form. You have to monitor your form with free weights much closer (not that you don’t have to monitor it with everything else, just to a lesser degree). As long as the weight is difficult, and your form is spot-on, both are excellent. But certain bar exercises really are…
This makes sense. I’m not actually a jerk like everyone says. Just really, really, ridiculously good looking.