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Can we just talk for a second about how this episode of AHS had both creepy zombie incest (gross) and bestiality with a minotaur in khakis (hilarious), but then Jessica Lange’s character - who is basically Magic Magneto (Magicneta) - is like, “UP YOURS, RACISTS.”

I get what you're saying but it's still all so messy for me, and it's actually getting hard for me to count the amount of characters they've ruined or mishandled in my opinion.

I'm going to be the voice of dissent here and say that the posters are excellent; really well executed.

I am absolutely over-the-moon excited about Captain America 2, assuming you mean the movies with your question. I cannot wait. I have, in fact, already asked 4/4/14 off at work so I can go to the earliest showing possible. Brubaker's Captain America run starting with the Winter Soldier is what sold me on comics and I

God, I'm so nervous for this. Mostly because of Gunn. GotG has such potential....

Guardians has been quite "wacky" for years now, though. Ever since Abnett and Planning restarted it.

If done well, with the right touch, I think you can have both. Epic space opera and wacky don't have to be mutually exclusive terms here.

Solar power is more dangerous than it's worth. Solar spills are much worse than harmless, natural, good christian, oil spills.

Terminator - hands down.

I don't know about that headline. It is one of many pivotal moments in the episode, so it could be a bit of a spoiler if someone hasn't watched yet

I dunno, the mosquito in pink doesn't look too revolting.

"What Will Man of Steel 2 Have in Common With The Dark Knight Rises?"

By the way, that chalkboard has the Skrull language on it - or more accurately, the generic alien font Marvel uses to represent alien langue (likely Chitauri in this case).

It sounds like it might be similar in tone to "The Addiction", which is a movie I love. It was absolutely not the usual vampire fare, and has an almost trippy, dream-like quality to it.

I can see it now:

COME ON GUYS, I know and agree Patrick 'Picard' Stewart was a master at what he did, but nothing of what he (and many others) did would be possible without this one:

Wait... why is Jos(s) the stubborn one again if he announced it first? Pietro and Wanda WERE Avengers first.

I agree about their general approach to movie reviews and spoilers. Many a time I have gotten to that line and stopped because I was going to see the movie later and didn't want to risk a spoiler.

Meh. This isn't really a 'spoiler-prone' movie. And by that, I mean there isn't any crazy reveal or twist that you don't see coming. Everything that happens in the movie is so predictable that my wife, who was working on her laptop while I was watching this and mostly paying zero attention, would consistently toss out