Urgh, let's how you never see balut eggs then. In the Philippines they boil a half developed duck egg live, then shell and eat the contents. That is just wrong, and disgusting
Urgh, let's how you never see balut eggs then. In the Philippines they boil a half developed duck egg live, then shell and eat the contents. That is just wrong, and disgusting
We fridge our eggs in Ireland, but only because there are egg containers in our fridges, a design we got from 60s American fridges I think.
Just for the record, it's second cousin's dating that's the problem. First cousin's isn't quite as bad genetically. The finest literature ever had cousin's marrying, Wuthering Heights...
I like it. Its more camouflage than mascara and suits the realistic vibe of the tv show well. If he was intending on hiding his identity with a mask that would look a bit more sillier.
I love classic sci-fi. It's feels more speculative than modern sci-fi. Only because it doesn't reflect modern society in any way, unlike current sci-first which can feel like a today +10 years story. Better mobiles, laptops etc
I know this discussion has been beaten to death, but everytime I see a bit of casting news about the Scarlett Witch or Quicksilver in either movie I groan internally. It is going to be a clusterf**k.
The season 3 episode of Star Trek Enterprise, Azaiti Prime had great attack scene on Enterprise. The reptilian shops tore through enterprises hull. There was a shot of a handful of people being dragged into space from a hull breach. Tucker is completely busy putting out fires in engineering. The soundtrack for the…
Grabbers is a good shout. It's an effective little low budget well shot, scripted and acted movie. I remember starting it thinking it would just play on the usual drunk Irish stereotype, but if I'm honest it kind off hit the nail on the head.
Urgh, like Peppa Pots at the end if IM3. No thank you
In all of the Nolan films, Bruce Wayne spends a lot of time staring at his Batsuit, trying to figure out if it's him or if he's it
I would totally be ok with that. I binged too on the first two seasons of breaking bad, and feel that I had less of an appreciation for them than I did for four and five because of it
I dont want to seem fickle but unless this movie has an R rating its pointless.
No, but I was never really into Harry Potter. Last time I can remember doing that for a book was Stephen King, and that was pre internet spoilers time
oh god, I dont think I could sleep at night if I knew an episode of Breaking Bad\Game of Thrones\PoI etc has been broadcast that I havent watched yet :S
Yea, I dont binge unless its of really really high standard, but Netflix's stuff tends to be very high quality. I would totally love to binge on Fringe, but I watched that in the televised broadcast model it was shown in. (And am more the happier for it)
Correct, yes binge viewing is a choice I make. Thats the definition of binging. No, Netflix does not inflict the binge viewing of an entire series, that would be a completly different form of behaviour.
Would you watch a 10 hour movie? Thats what this effectivally is.
urgh, Netflix. This just means there will be 4 weekends in my life where I spaced out and binged on 13 hours of one tv show rather than enjoying a series over the course of 3 months while enjoying each episode as an individual event and having time to deliberate over events in the episode.
fabricant; promoting and dismissing post simultaneously :P