Harold Art

You decided to cite a single academic who is broadly considered to be on the fringes of his field. Not a very good appeal to authority.

Why wait?

If by “many, many cities” you mean NYC, LA, Boston and Miami, then yes. But I don’t think 4 = “many, many”.

That’s the sign for the Twin Peaks Tavern in San Francisco. It’s something like 80 years old, so no connection to the tv show at all.

They already have.

Tell us about how the world population and infrastructure should transition from the current temperate zones to the those areas which, over the course of tumultuous decades, might eventually prove to be arable.

To be fair, it hasn’t been open to debate since long, long before the 1500s. We’ve had the math on it for about 2300 years now.

I like how they’re presenting that basic sequence as though it’s unique to liberalism and not, in fact, part and parcel to the rise of its opposite.

To be fair, we don’t know 100% for sure about anything at all. We don’t know 100% for sure that the earth will be here in 24 hours, or that cause and effect won’t reverse. Because “100% for sure” is an unattainable bar, so frankly it’s not a particularly valid criticism.

LOL!!!!! That’s your source??? That!?! The Global Warming Policy Foundation? Sorry, that loses you any and all credibility. They’re work is highly biased, their conclusions are pre-determined, they are not remotely a scientific organization. You are simply demonstrating that you love confirmation bias.

“I, and many other scientists

You are not a scientist.

Does it hurt to be that foolish? It should. Yes, the earth and “life” have persisted (thrived is a disingenuous choice of word) in hotter times. But guess what? Not OUR type of life and not on the scale we currently exist. So yes, we can kick back and let whatever happens happen. But don’t kid yourself into believing

So well said, Groovy. Spot on.

Bullsh1t, Arghl. Go read the comments section of Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars, etc and then come back and tell me with a straight face that only the left shouts down opposing views. Simply believing that demonstrates that you’ve bought hook, line, and sinker into one of the alt-right’s current talking points. And,