
Yeah, I’m kind of annoyed at all the folks talking about circular stories and hubris. I think Cooper is following his plan all the way to the end of part 18. As Toht says, he’s not trying to bring Laura “home”, he’s bringing her because she’s key in confronting “Judy”. And that’s what’s about to happen at the very end.

Yeah, I’m not sure it’s hubris. Coop’s mission was to destroy the evil (Judy). Laura is the key to that happening. Coop seems to understand more about Judy than has been let on previously (as evidenced by what Cole said), so he knows that he needs to bring her to confront Sarah Palmer, who is currently hosting Judy.

The more I think about it, the more a lot of the post-finale chatter bothers me, particularly the idea that Coop trying to save Laura is hubris on his part. Many people have said that it’s a symbol of trying to retrieve an irretrievable past, that it’s a symbol of Cooper’s—and by extension, the audience’s—refusal to