
Revert to purchasing discs because one game is having some songs removed 10 years after its release? Ok bro.

True, but even just getting a few and having others see the consequence would be a deterrent in itself.

The problem generally is they can’t find/identify the caller, thats what makes this whole thing work.

Agreed. Actual murder if, as in the case of the one poor swatee, the guy actually gets shot.

The people that call in the false report should be arrested and tried for attempted murder. What else do you call it when you essentially send a fully armed squad to someone’s house? Granted this call wasn’t “as bad” since they weren’t claiming a crazed gunman in the home, but that is beside the point.

Can you really cite your own article about a topic as evidence that something is “making headlines”? Also, three articles about Doc in 24 hours? Find some video games to write about!

“Basically, it sounds like he considered himself untouchable, and is very annoyed to be facing consequences for his actions.”

No, it doesn’t sound like this at all, as can be seen by the quotes attributed to him directly above this disingenuous dismissal.

Thank you so much! In turn, I very much appreciate and support the people who do weird shit on the internet.

Cecilia, I just want to say how much I appreciate your role as Kotaku’s resident Weird Shit People Do on the Internet reporter.

I’m sorry for what you went through, but no, news should not have trigger warnings.

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.

Also, 8 pm in the middle of the summer it wouldn’t be that dark outside.

Perhaps, but at least I understand its meaning.

He did, but that was a terrible reply.

Justice is pretty much by deffinition not inclusive. It sets limits and boundaries, then punishments for being outside them.

I think it would have been funny to give edward a little pixelated spoon too...but that’s just me.

It’s pretty obvious she is making light of the irony around going to a prison and feeling free. That’s the joke. I mean, come on. This website is like the liberal Breitbart. Do you even know what you’re mad about anymore or are you just frantically searching the internet for something someone said so you can get upset

Can you not decide if you have an opinion or question? Why is this such a bad habit nowadays?

I wish kotaku’s cosplay posts included character/source in addition to model/photographer. For casual observers like myself, the character is more important knowledge to me than who took the picture. (While obviously citing credit is incredibly important, especially in media)

I agree that every male Shepherd whould be with Thane. Now hold still while I take pics.