At which point do we all light our digital devices on fire in unison ?
At which point do we all light our digital devices on fire in unison ?
I got Donald Duck & Co comic in the mail every week when I was young. I probably relate way to much to that duck.
For some reason they even still send me birthday cards 15 years later. So yea I got a post card from Donald Duck wishing me a happy birthday a couple of days ago. I know you are all envious.
I'm so glad to hear Donald plays a significant part. Donald Duck is probably my favourite comic character ever.
It's like an optical illusion in my head. Unless i focus real hard the rabbit and duck just blends into each other.
Oh right that whole thing. Now I'm sad
I don't know if I actually want to look up what you're referring to.
Wait…. Tom Green and Andy Dick are two different people? I'm not even making a joke, I'm literally quite confused right now
I think that last little part of my soul i had left just died.
That's how they getcha
Yay, Anna Torv. I've really missed her voice, she's great at narration on top of montages like trailers.
I belive The Flash the show breeds such complacency in our minds that it makes us not question it or do critical thinking.
He was Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies.
I can't belive it took me this long to make the Wizard connection with him.
Yes, but I have a small feeling it's more that she enjoyed the men part of handsome British men going on adventures the series.
Just like I love Murder She Wrote because Angela Lansbury is a fox
Have you tried having a reasonable conversation with a Dr. Who fan about Dr. Who?
Anyway I don't really agree that she can't like or dislike a creative choice before it comes to fruition.
Also livid may have been a little hyperbolic, but hey I'm a commenter on the AVclub, hyperbole is all I have.
Why would anyone care about the choices creators make when they make something they like? Wait, where am I again?
I don't really care that much either way, but my Mom is livid about this. I think it's possible to not like this choice and not be a raging misogynist.
I think this comment really encapsulates my problem with the Bachelor and the social attitudes surrounding it.
I'm sorry, I just can't see anything but Micheal Bluth
The thing is that I want to like this show so much, and not just for my pop culture obsessed brain to get all the references I see everywhere. I want to like Larry David so much, because George Costanza is probably my favourite comic character of all time.
The two big comedies that I don't really like that everyone…