
@theloverly: Helen Mirren did Shadowboxer in 2005. And RED wasn't really an action part for her. She did a little shooting, but no real physically challenging action á la Cliffhanger or Die Hard.

@Bluecold: I'm not saying she's a bad actress, and I'm certainly not denying that she's very attractive. In my opinion, though, she doesn't fit in that movie. She's not an action actress. She's a drama actress. A lot of drama people try their hand at action, but it takes a different calibre to do that.

@Capall: Or they could just have hired any one of the Japanese animators who produce awesome movies like Casshern.

I am actually starting to find Olivia Wilde slightly annoying. She's a really pretty woman, but in that getup, she looks ridiculous. Nothing at all like the guys or the other girls, let alone Cindy Morgan in the original.

@Dabamasha: Don't you mean the Brotherhood of Nod?

@JoelR: I think the important issue is that there still is a human involved, making the decision of "fire/don't fire".

@skipjack002: I suppose it's "Get bent or get bent". But what can you honestly expect? For the sake of entertainment, producers aren't even accurate when it comes to US history, not to mention foreign history. I remember thinking that if hacking was as easy, cool and visually appealing as it's presented in Hackers or

I agree that intellectual property theft is a big issue. And there is no question that if software piracy were left to run unchecked, programming would become very unlucrative, very quickly.

No shit. And here I always thought spilling billions of gallons of oil into an ecological system would merely liven things up a little!

@Eric Cartman: I remember that train wreck. 90 minutes I'll never, ever get back...

@Goof_Troop: I think that's what the armed forces will eventually settle for. Feasibility studies aside, these planes are just asking to be jammed or worse, hacked.

@megan.l.best: I've only been back there once in the last 6 months because the daughter of a friend of mine wanted some item I still had in my account. GaiaOnline used to be a really nice and well-scripted place to hang out at, but the ads are killing it.

@skipjack002: Totally ignorant of the reality of today's battlefield hardware: Because all wars are already fought by drones and robots. Because remote controlled weapons platforms have fared so well in various theatres that they now see widespread use on the front line. Because the need for on-site personel has been

@JoelR: Show me an AI that is capable of making responsible and sensible decisions to such an extent that you would trust it with the amount of hardware some of these planes carry.

@Jakm777: It's a very laid-back Jamaican comet, man.

@megan.l.best: There are airsharks on GaiaOnline. In the aquariums of all places. Don't ask me. I don't think it makes a lot of sense either.

Great. It will be a lot easier on the defense budget of many a villainous nation if they don't have to field hundreds of anti-aircraft cannons anymore, but just a bunch of signal jammers.

Some people just deserve to be caught.

Unfortunately, yes.