
The part after the credits is seriously disturbing...

Buttonless computing is still a ways off. I'm all for Minority Report / Matrix / Iron Man interfaces, but certainly Kinect or Move or Wii or what have you isn't it.

Mail service: Depends on the guy. 4 out of 6 days a week, it's a complete idiot who only delivers to the single mother living downstairs. If he can't drop off the packages with her, he doesn't drop anything off, period. The other 2 days, it's a young-ish guy of vaguely Arabian flavor who has trouble pronouncing even

I daresay the whole argument seems to run on autopilot. It's like talking to a machine. All you ever get are canned responses. It leaves a metallic taste in my mouth.

@abates25: That's why I conceded that I, too, love FW800. It's a great port, and I wouldn't want to miss it on my MBP13. Makes backing up the entire HD a breeze, really.

@nuclearbalm: That's pretty much an "all or nothing" argument: Either you take our proprietary standard that requires you to use adapters and all new gear, or you take yesteryear's standard and forget about the new tech.

@lucasway89: Yeah, I was referring to electricity, not speed. Don't get me wrong, I do realise that Light Peak is faster. But I'd be willing to sacrifice some speed for comfort. That's why I drive a standard car and not a formula 1 racer.

I love FW800 as much as the next guy who uses it to backup. But USB3 is a no-brainer: It's backwards compatible, carries more juice and it's small and universally recognised.

@Tyrunn: Those are not their songs. Just like the Foxconn slaves don't own the phones they make.

I like Muji to Go. The Calendar looks neat but iCal really takes the cake for me because it's on all my machines.

@zildjiabass150: Actually, and without meaning to sound condescending, if you had dug a little deeper and/or waited for the update on the Giz article, you would have found that the lab 'flies aren't quite as big as the palaeozoic ones.

@uncle moe: That's how big the dragonflies were in the past. It's not how big they got them to grow in the lab. The article presents the content of the paper a bit lopsidedly.

@Kirril: Batou gave "special oil" to the Tachikoma. Apparently, it worked.

Joshua, is that you?

"Giant" always depends on where you stand in relation to scale. A lot of bugs are already scared shitless of dragonflies.

@windowserror: I thought "Rob" was short for "Robert". But that would make "Bob" short for "Bobert".

@Nitesh: @aThingOrTwo: From Jobs' demo of the early stages of Lion, it seemed like a step back to me. From what was shown of the "new" and "improved" way of handling Exposé and Spaces, it struck me as counterpoint to the way I expect a multitasking OS to handle.

Apple is getting there, but this is not the sweet spot. The battery life is ludicrous, compared to both the MBPs and the iPad.