
@Settings: Isn't "Bob" short for "Robert"?

Shit just got old school: From now on, you'll have to run naked wires straight into your aluminum-plated MacBook's guts!

I suppose we'll have to wait for Mk.II or Mk.III for backlit keys?

Oh blimey! A 25 million dollar fine!

@howdini: Ease of use (fire upp app instead of browser) and polished look. Flipboard and Pulse News Reader are my personal favorites, depending on the kind of article I'm interested in reading.

While I enjoy "lean" women, "skinny" just doesn't do it for me.

In all seriousness, I enjoy the extra "heft" of my MBP13. I played around a little with the last gen MBA when I set it up for a friend who bought it used.

Looks nice. Doesn't do shit to relieve your wrists, though.

I think this could be interesting. Not a huge, roaring success, but definitely interesting. I could even see myself springing for the Mk.2. Not because I want a phone with a gaming platform, but because I enjoy the 3G iPad a lot, and this would be similar.

@FriarNurgle: And I can totally see something like this happen...!

@HeroOfTomorrow is happy: What do you mean? Pucks for Macs have been around for ages! In several snazzy colours and with a single button! They are from a more civilised time...

@hxc04: I bought one of these off ebay for a buck (a buck a puck!) just to confuse the people at the lab I worked at. I got a lot of WTF's for it, definitely worth the €...

I've been running different builds of hackintoshs for a few years, and you can build them for around $400-$500 easily. A lot of the hardware is being supported by the custom discs, and you can even run vanilla on a lot of the cheaper rigs.

@Odin: Actually, I see a lot of Macs in the hospital. The Cinema displays are great for radiological diagnoses, and the business service plans are about on par with Dell. Mac Pros also do well in radiology, nuclear medicine and the theoretical departments.

I'm still waiting for the iPad to show up in House's hands, while he's watching a Brazilian soap opera on it or playing some Space Invaders clone (or Metroid?).

@Niteman cometh: You're so dumb. You are really dumb. For real.

The DaVinci has been around for a fairly long time and is used for telesurgery all over the world. It's a great piece of machinery and, if used well, cuts down on intraoperarive complications a lot. But it's still just a tool.

I disagree. If you want to create, and create continuously, meaningfully and, above all, capably, the MBA isn't the way to go.