
@MMBman7171: You have to admit, though, that at the size of the iPods nano and shuffle, aesthetics are becoming more and more of an academic point of discussion. Who really looks at these things for any length of time? With the iPod touch, the action is one the display a lot of the time, but with the other two, that's

@corsair130: Don't worry about some of the more outspoken commenters on here. I think you're right on the money. In fact, owning both an iPod touch (back to school) and a Sansa Clip+, I can completely understand where you're coming from, and if you don't want or need the added functionality of the iPod, then the Sansa

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: There is a subtle but vital difference between doing the trick and turning one...

@SomeGuyNamedJayInMI: I've had to drive an ambulance with an automatic transmission and I've learned that a combination of gripping it very tightly, breaking very lightly and swearing very colourfully usually does the trick.

@SomeGuyNamedJayInMI: I don't really want to know about automatic transvestites. Things like that scare me very deeply, unless Eddie Izzard is involved.

It is a good thing that my iPad will finally be mastering a skill I could never get the hang of...

"Do you have any questions?"

In most ways that count, right now I feel you're better served by an iPhone - if you can justify buying one. Without a contract, you're paying a hefty premium over the iPod touch.

Step away from the red button, sir.

Card 2.0. Because losing one golden American Express card wasn't fun enough!

@trylleklovn: Yes, darling. She knows it's a multipass.

The Mighty Eagles. They'll bomb the shit out of you using remote controlled drones and guided missiles. Of course, any civilian casualties will be collateral damage that could have been prevented if these pigs hadn't used them as soft cover.

Oh no. Jesus got to the cupboard and drank the koolai-... the koo-...

@FriarNurgle: Gaultier is doing the happy dance. It goes so well with his razorwire necktie!

I got as far as "foolproof approach".

@USB_Humping_Dog: Then why don't you just keep a tight watch on your screensaver?

@a-ankka: There are not enough clock faces on this watch. Unless they come up with a Mk.II including a threedimensional design, I will remain sorely disappointed.