
@searching with my good eye closed: Speaking as someone who is really, really bad at reading ECGs even after years and years of medical school indoctrination, I can safely attest that this patient is in a shitload of trouble.

@900pilot: Touche. I see what you did there.

That 14 year old obviously can't spell "eight" correctly, though...

@Curves: I have faith in only one thing, and that's the engineer's dogma: Try to make something idiot proof and nature will send a better idiot.

For some inane, odd and slightly unsettling reason, I read "Burn a Korean" and begun to wonder exactly where in the United States that would be legal in the first place.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Actually, I use all three major operating systems. Ubuntu and OS X at home, Windows and OS X at work and, regrettably, mostly Windows at the laboratory now.

@dantheman12: At around $1000, not a lot of students will be using this. And, as a former medical student, I can attest that it simply won't replace everything in the backpack. Far from it. I agree it makes for a significantly lighter backpack, but there's still a bunch of stuff (including the odd physical book) in

GTA 1 was the only part of the franchise I actually enjoyed. The rest was just... pretty much more of the same, but less innocently indulgible.

@apophis2936: That's been the US opinion on TV for the past 60 years.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I used to build the machines for my folks from scratch as well, because I didn't see the point of them using up three times the wattage necessary or sitting next to a jet turbine. However, the software is what got them most of the time.

28"? Methinks that might be overkill.

I didn't know Jack Black's real name was John and he sold chargers that immediately remind me of threesomes.

@Bryce Jamison: ...which, of course, you would never admit because only crazy old ladies who haven't left their apartment since 1957 talk to cats and expect an answer.

@SkelatorDan: After repeatedly losing hours worth of work from Word crashing while in the process of saving. After seemingly endless amounts of disabling Clippy only to find him re-activated after updates, crashes or just for the heck of it. After literally yelling at my CRT for the umpteenth so-called

@mrgibblechip: You really don't want to know what Clippy does to the dog with Merlin's wand when you're not looking...

@talkingstove: Cut out the middleman. All I would have needed is a button that said "Press to give MS tech support electric shocks".

@MacAttack: Microsoft learned their lesson from the US Government.