
@golferal: The difference is this:

@confusedpublic: I would suppose people who make a living off dating sites. In one way or another.

@cjoricj: In fact, I do. Which makes my previous statement quite sad, but nevertheless accurate.

@Cordfucious of Nursing Clan: Well, you should take that with a grain of salt. It doesn't eliminate the books. You still have to read them, but you don't necessarily have to carry them with you all the time.

@Vanilla-Terror: Am I the only one who finds it more than just passingly creepy that this guy "interviews" his mother's dates?

@ajendus: After years of experience with the German mother corporation, I have to heartily disagree on the "good company" part.

@CaffineFreakUs: I think you, sir, are in the habit of answering your own questions. How could it possibly go wrong, indeed.

@cjoricj: After 2 weeks of use, that's exactly the speed you'll get out of it. If any.

@allaun: John Cleese says one does not LaCie or funny walk into Mordor.

If it can stand to store and play a 2-minute clip of Heidi Montag, that would be enough proof for me. I simply can't.

Having owned an iPad for about a week now, I have to say it's a decent piece of hardware.

Apple likes the closed system approach because it keeps Apple in control of Apple products.

Semi-autonomous is kinda like a half-eunuch: It's hard to tap that potential.

@maythetechbewithyou: This isn't just some phone we're talking about. Look at all the people that line up in front of the stores every fucking time Jobs has a wet fart. This is a company that dominates markets (at least for a little while).

Planting just got real [/badboys].

Looks like something straight out of the latest Need for Speed installment...

@a_guy_named_ryan: I'm thinking they'll support all the networks, since that is most cost-effective.

@tech42er: How many technologies would that be again?

@ddhboy: Deutsche Telekom isn't necessarily the most profitable company, but their stocks are a pretty secure investment. So "dying" is maybe putting it wrongly. However, a merger with Sprint would certainly be profitable for Sprint. Now, I don't exactly know how the European cartel watchers are feeling about it,