
@Jack Skitt: I don't think a merger with Sprint would be such a bad idea.

@ScurvyWaters: Funny thing is: T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) is huge in Germany, but has the crappiest service (though not by much). It's infinitely smaller across the Atlantic, but there it's often touted as having one of the few, better customer service departments.

@MosesMonster: Small as in Japan compared to China, not bicycle compared to Abrahams tank. That's still a fairly big studio, it's just not a juggernaut. Don't expect indie film makers to start breaking out the iDataPlex guns anytime soon.

Absolutely amazing in a weird, completely superfluous and oddly appealing way. I tip my handcrafted, black satin top hat to the man.

@maven2k: Back in the 90s, what was the alternative, really?

@bosskid30: Kind of a prick move, though, innit?

@HonestChurl: Have you tried a text-based browser. Sounds like all you do is read in any case...

@esprit-follet: Camino is a pretty good experience, but you're usually one release behind vanilla Firefox...

@Francisco Galárraga: These days, that really shouldn't make a difference unless you're running Flash and/or Java on at least 10 of them.

@MazdaMania: It's actually used a lot in mainstream, but people just don't get it. But it's not hip with the plebs, ergo it's moribund.

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: "When a bloody old, beaten and battered first generation iPhone and an Incredible phone with incredibly low standards love each other..."

@Maave: A little less conversation, a little more action, please?

@BeerManMike: They still make great computer monitors. I'm looking at one right now. Except for the stand. Every single LG monitor stand I have ever seen sucked something that was fleshy, round and slightly hairy.

@rudyfrederic: LG - the $5 hooker of the mobile phone market.

@Orion126: No offense, gramps. I meant it as a compliment! Honestly! I think...

I have to admit, I find it rather boring that all phones these days look the same. You hardly see any clamshells anymore, the sliders are on their way out in favour of on-screen keyboards or bluetooth appliances and the old small screen/small numpad bricks are becoming more and more of a senior citizen commodity.

@kernow: Wrong. This is Apple's business philosophy all over again: A closed system, written specifically for a limited set of hardware, with minimal interference from hardware or software components.

@bobby.tables: I'm sure if it became an issue, someone would stand to make a lot of money finding an appropriate loophole. However, this, among others, was one of the cardinal reasons Norway never became a member. That, and they would end up paying out of their nose...

@nicktennear: my bad, I must've hit reply instead of making a new post.

@funakoshi.gichin.shotokan: Reminds me of Shadowrun a lot. Sometimes I wish I still had the time for a regular get-together with the old gang. I hear 4th edition is pretty whizz...