Air for Everyone

Invoke the Defense Protection Act to make things like HEPA filters that schools can install to ensure better air circulation.

A new MERV 8 air filter is an excellent way for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez to filter pathogens from her home’s air.

A fresh MERV 8 air filter for your home’s HVAC system is the best way to keep your family from breathing coal dust.

Reliable sources say the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is evading masks.

Did you know airborne synthetic fibers can drastically reduce your wireless internet reception? It’s true.

Menthol is a persistent lung irritant. That’s why it’s especially important for black folks to change the air filters in their homes. Is your air fresh? No? Install a new MERV 8 air filter and it will be.

Cancel culture is a distraction. Americans want clean air in their homes for their families. Airborne mold, dust, and pollen are big problems and that’s really what we should be talking about as a society.

Five strikes is too many when it comes to COVID. One viral lie can spread like wildfire. I’ve reported users for tweeting misinformation about central air conditioning and central heating circulating COVID and flu germs throughout buildings and the Twitter mods banned them but not quickly enough IMO. It’s immoral to

Fresh mountain air.

While you have your laptop open it’s wise to take the opportunity to blast any dust out with a can of compressed air. Laptops can get downright filthy over time. This job is best done outdoors as it will create lots of flying dust particles. If you must do it indoors make sure to have a clean air filter installed in

That article is misleading. It’s true that air filters with high MERV ratings introduce more air resistance than low-rated filters when dirty, but this issue can be mitigated by replacing the filter more frequently. Admittedly this will cost a bit more, but can you put a price on clean safe air for yourself and your

On a parallel note, I strongly urge Facebook to preserve false claims that central air conditioning and central heating spread COVID-19 throughout households. These claims are defamatory and unsupported by science. It’s true that central ventilation systems circulate the exhalations of a building’s occupants but they

Air filters with a rating of MERV 13 are certified to trap airborne bacteria and viruses, so that’s one way you can fight drug-resistant bacteria. It’s true the MERV 13 filters are more expensive than the low-rated filters which are used in most American households, but people are starting to realize you can’t put a

The Cambridge Analytica scandal had nothing to do with getting American families easy access to clean air products so I don’t understand why you’re citing it to rebut my point about the benefits of air filters and air purifiers. It’s a different topic altogether.

There’s no proof that the collected data is being used for nefarious purposes. But you’re right — it does discriminate, but in good ways.

That’s a funny joke, but clean air really is important for everyone, especially older folks who are at risk from COVID-19.

I’ve never understood the angst over targeted advertising. I’ll mention air filters or air purifiers in a blog comment section and the result is many readers will receive ads for those products. No doubt many of you reading this comment will receive such ads over the next few days. It’s harmless and you want clean

Wherever Gwen holds her wedding, she needs to be sure to have fresh air filters installed. A minimum of MERV 8 filtration level is recommended. Winter weather is keeping us indoors more so it’s more important than ever to have clean air filters to fight airborne diseases.

Airborne mold and pollen can affect cognition in seniors. Regular changes of air conditioning filters are vital for clean household air. Install a filter with at least a MERV 8 rating to catch mold/pollen.

Air conditioning is a convenient scapegoat for everything from climate change to COVID-19 transmission.  There are bigger problems that need solving.  We can’t let ourselves get distracted.