Cheeky Madam

Gotta love the one girl who gave a shout out to women to respect themselves and not be topless—-that was the choice of these women participating in the video and they shouldn't be shamed for that (they should only be shamed for participating in a video where the subject matter is degrading to women).

thumbs down to that one girl who put the blame on both the women in the video and Thicke's wife....

Yup. If these issues are news to white feminists on Jez, that should be a serious wake-up call.

There's a lot missing from this post. Namely: context.

Now playing

This is fabulously done, Laura. Perfect snark and lovely manners toward the establishment and staff.

Idk, that's all well and good for a human. But who's to say the digestive system of a cookie monster is not intended for cookies all the time? Maybe he's vegetable intolerant?

“These girls in the detention center are not Little Miss Muffin,” one official said.

Children cannot consent to sex with adults, and inmates cannot consent to sex with guards. The law is pretty cut-and-dried on this.

I'm getting my IUD in a couple weeks, with an $80 copay (much less than the $500 or so cited last time I asked)...

I was hoping that this was a post announcing that she's playing Harley Quinn in the next Batman/Superman movie. Alas.

What is going on here? And what is going on in the middle pic? She has splotches on her forehead and her lipstick looks like Betty Davis's from What Ever happened to Baby Jane!

Right? I want to be her friend, and have nights where we drink highballs and paint our nails. And talk about sex. And then maybe have some.

That picture of Common: yes.

Baz Luhrmann. Joseph Aloisius Batzinger.

World's worst law firm...

Dear Ellen Page and grown women everywhere,

Vagina sparks, sounds awesome.

Well I hope so. After 2345 and 3210, the whole franchise went downhill. Too corporate. Needs to get back to the roots, and only fans know how to do that.

The real info is that he's at risk. You aren't. It doesn't have to do with sucking dick, it has to do with getting HPV strain 18 (There are a couple of other ones, but that's the one that comes to mind). It is very common for women to have this strain, and it doesn't really increase their risk of throat cancer. Men