Try checking out the mods for Starbound.
Like I said, you wouldn't walk up to someone checking a girl's ass and say all this would you? If not, you would just keep walking, going with the flow as you're saying. So it's not very clear how you're fighting for anyone's welfare. Being a white knight on the INTERNET isn't doing much.
You should stand in the mall and alert every woman that's being checked out.
Objectified? How do you know she wouldn't be flattered by it? Maybe she's been putting work in the gym. Believe it or not, some women do enjoy it. Would it be wrong if a female was checking out a dude's ass? Cause some women enjoy that too.
Probably a high percentage.
Has anyone had any luck on PS3? It's slightly better in the way that I can actually connect to people now but I still can't get the first tutorial mission to work.
lol I doubt he'll get into Kendrick if he doesn't even like most rap/hip hop. He'll probably be turned off as soon as he hears the n word. Seems like the type.
How come this app isn't showing up in my app store/itunes? I have a 4s running 6.1
You must be a blast at parties
Check out the Feed the Beast modpack, pretty awesome.
And she's equipped with a BL2 gun haha
Hold the phone.
Well you have to understand there's different types of rap/hip-hop. One being where the lyrics are actually meaningful, and another being just ignorant lyrics with a beat you can jam to at a club/party/bar. In this case Trinidad's song is the latter obviously lol, lyrics are funny and stupid, but if the song comes on…
Nevermind, I didn't realize you were talking about Dark Arisen, had no idea they're gonna include the original. I'll wait for this as well, never had a chance to play the original.
So I shouldn't get the $15 one then? They aren't gonna patch it to fix these issues?