
Thanksgiving turkey with dressing and gravy.

“Elio Motors announces its intent to produce an electric version of it’s [sic] popular vehicle,”

My wife makes very good soups, so I rarely eat canned soup nowadays, but I have retained a fondness for Campbell’s tomato soup. In 1951, when I was five years old, I had my tonsils removed. I was told that I wouldn’t be able to eat solid food for a while, but that I could have all the ice cream I wanted. After the

but you are, Allison.

It was surgically removed by the sharp tongues and pens of those unfortunate folks who struggled to make me reasonably literate.

My wife and I returned on Thursday from a two-week trip to Europe and our experience was much the same as yours. The most notable thing we noticed in Europe was not only were there different rules and procedures in different locations, but they changed often and quickly. On days when we traveled from one city to

“What other F1 driver reputedly chose his car because it was the only one into which he could FIT?”

“The perfectionist in me struggled a bit with the willy-nilly use of commas in this book, but that was my biggest complaint.”

I like the stories of privateers from the relatively early days of F1. e.g., Carel Godin de Beaufort, a Dutch nobleman driving a Porsche, is called (on a website that calls itself a tribute to him) “...Grand Prix racing’s last amateur.” I started following F1 racing in 1961, before his death in 1964 and have always

“They need to be made well enough and useful enough to have people buy them regardless”

Even better.

If I have the numbers right, IndyCar has had nine winners in 12 races. F1 has had four winners in 11 races.

My Mom was always very clear that her dream car was a Jeepster, circa 1948, She was gracious to never mention that the presence of a rug rat (me) in the family was the biggest reason that she never got the new car of her dreams.

I would like to mention two older engines for consideration

“The bed is 71 by 47 inches, or roughly between a twin and full size bed — albeit shorter than both.”

“...I actually kind of like it better than the real machine.”


Length, width, etc.

Back in the mid1960s, I was the stereotypical hungry 20year-old who was always hungry, so I depended on cheap snacks to fill the hole between meals. The Campus Corner convenience store sometimes ran a special on vienna sausage, 10 cans for $1. These were really terrible, but within my budget. They were so bad that

IIRC, some of the SBCs (Small Block Chevys) actually had a larger displacement than some of the Chevy big blocks.