My understanding is that a “flat” engine is not necessarily a boxer. My BMW twin motorcycles were both boxers and flat. My K75 BMW three-cylinder motorcycles were flat, but were inline rather than boxer configurations.
My understanding is that a “flat” engine is not necessarily a boxer. My BMW twin motorcycles were both boxers and flat. My K75 BMW three-cylinder motorcycles were flat, but were inline rather than boxer configurations.
“...I get to pick the music.”
Is this story considered to be schmaltzy?
I could have been clearer. I don’t think that Avalon was ever sold with a manual. The Avalon was purchased primarily for my ex-wife’s use, so she picked the Avalon, even though it did not have a manual transmission (her previous preference).
My ex-wife and I bought a new 1995 Avalon and found it to be a great car. We had the relatively uncommon six-passenger model with a real bench seat. It had enough power, brakes, and handling to be a good car for making time on the road. My ex liked it well enough to keep it until 2008, when it was totaled.
As a certified ROF (Retired Old Fart) I have, for years, been getting messages from my back telling me that it is best for me to drive cars that sit a bit higher than the roadsters, etc., that I prefer. This puts me in the market for a compact SUV and the turbo CX5 looks good.
IIRC, we now have 11 race winning drivers in the F1 lineup. I seem to recall that this has not occurred for a while.
Eaudiobooks and podcasts. I recently listened to Jason Torchinsky’s book on autonomous cars.
This appears to be gluten-free. Is it?
“I certainly remember the then-shocking jump from about $0.33 per gallon of gasoline up to about $0.50 per gallon during the 1970s.”
I have never been much of a drinker but when I was in law school, many moons ago, I would buy the occasional bottle of Boone’s Farm Wild Mountain Grape. IIRC, it cost about $1 per bottle. I thought that it must be better than Strawberry Hill because it was ( or was claimed to be) made from actual grapes, so I was…
I have said it before and I will say it again. Cars come in only three colors, red, black, and “who cares.”
“...(E)ggs are essentially smooth, ovoid rocks that taste good on toast.”
Is that a Austin Healey 100-6 on the back of the last Mercedes?
How about using fried bologna?
“It’s possible owners also appreciate the additional ride height that makes getting in and out that much easier.”
Back in the day, I used to try to double corner speed signs, with occasional success, in my Bugeye Sprite. Probably the only reason I did not die in the attempt was that the car had a top speed of slightly over 80 mph, so I could not double any sign over 40 mph.
“High gas prices also effect the poor disproportionately.
Porsche Skibob. I saw one of these in California in the late 1970s.