I never would.
I never would.
Been using that exact recipe since I was a kid and my dad was in charge. DO NOT underestimate the medicinal properties of sour mash Bourbon.
Your abdominals and lower back muscles. Perhaps I’m wrong, but when you prop them up, you transfer part of their support function onto the mechanical wrap itself.
Yeah... at a bare minimum, I think “I was feeling really lonely and isolated, so I started doing something pretty extreme to change my body shape!” probably warrants a follow-up question or two.
I wear one for facet joint pain/degenerative disc disease sometimes, but I don’t cinch it to an extreme degree. Corsets can be very helpful for back issues, but people like this have dysmorphia and nothing is ever enough to make them really happy with themselves for very long.
I do this. I post my microsoft band workout stats each morning. It seemed to motivate me until my recent Deltoid injury. I haven’t posted, and haven’t mentioned the injury, but the fact that no one holds me accountable blunts the enthusiasm a bit. But I can’t wait to get back on the grind after I fully recover.
This has been a topic of conversation in my house recently as I prepare the holiday menu. Wifey and I have both been on a weight-loss path this year by eating better and exercising more(I know - duh). I’m down 70 pound and she’s lost weight too (the exact amount is a Manhattan-Project-level secret).
Letting the dog eat half the meal is an excellent way to cut calories.
Personally, I put my plate on the floor, and do push ups in order to take bites. The problem is that after enough push ups I just wind up drowning in a puddle of turkey gravy.
see this kind of story is why I lose my mind if my period’s two weeks late even though I haven’t seen a dick in a year
Everything is better when illustrated by Prince.
Yeah. I took it with a grain of salt for two reasons:
Quoting from the article you linked:
Mrs. Snow Dog loves going to these to get the freebies. I’d be perfectly happy not going to them, even if it means actually paying for whatever it is they’re giving away.
it’s an indiana jones reference dude
Maybe Netflix could had avoided a price hike if many people didn’t shared their password with half their friends.
This has been my go-to for about 6 months. I just got tired of spending $8+ everyday for lunch. Started doing the frozen meal thing and it’s a heck of a lot cheaper and keeps the portions reasonable. I’ll supplement with a banana or nuts for a midday snack to hold me over until dinner so I don’t get home and eat too…
But then you can take the savings and go out to meet them on weekends. Or you could take your lunch to the park.
The best deal on Black Friday is the valuable hours of sleeping off the previous night's drunkenness that I won't be giving up.
The best deal on Black Friday is the valuable hours of sleeping off the previous night's drunkenness that I won't be…