H.R. HutchNstuff12

Sounds like Lavar needs to stay in his lane of promoting his son and himself and not coach.

We all know people with big, lifted, diesel trucks are compensating for something else! I need to boost my self confidence by having a jacked up, black smoke blowing, diesel truck because, well you know why.

HOLY SHIT! That was pretty much head on. Safer barrier or not, that was a viscious, and brutal hit. It’s incredible that most of these guys walk away.

Why does the right side of his face look so big and bulbous. I wonder who gave final approval of this, “Yep this is a 100% carbon copy of Jeter.” He kinda does have that Sloth look from The Goonies though.

I think the real tragedy here is that he spells his name Aric. In all seriousness though, lets hope he makes a speedy recovery. He had his helmet off, and window net down, so that is a good sign.

Well said. Bravo.

Do you know what moot means? It means irrelevant. Like you. Im glad to see that I am pissing you off so much. It REALLY makes you soooo mad. The butt hurt meter is off the charts for you.

Your point is moot, also him being in the illustrious Utah St HOF has nothing to do with her being sexually assaulted, blackmailed, and threatened at Arizona. I have a sneaking suspicion that you miss the point on a lot of things.

You mad, bro? Don’t be so butt hurt.

Ummm, are you illiterate? Where the hell did Utah State come from?

They should change it to Crosby Traumatic Encephalopathy...


Gronk tackle hard. Gronk hit hard. Gronk yo soy fiesta.

Where is he going to college?

This will give him more time to commit sexual assaults.

The Cincinnati Reds should be #dumpsterfire, or #tradeawayeverygoodplayerfornothing.

Can you imagine the massive ratings a Oregon/South Carolina National Title game would pull in. God help us.

They act like people in Lawrence only drive drunk after they lose in the tournament. Remember, they live in Lawrence, Kansas.

Ok so i know what the Champions league, and the FA Cup are, but what is the Europa League? How do the teams qualify? Who gets to be in it? So many questions...

How did UofL get a 2 seed losing in the first round of the acc tournament, and UK gets a 2 seed winning the SEC tournament? Yea yea, the ACC is better, I get it, but it just goes to show that the conference tournaments dont mean shit.