H.R. HutchNstuff12

Somebody is butt hurt.

He looks like how I feel about this game.

What a dick.

Im sooooo over the Patriots. Make it stop.

Im sooooo over the Patriots. Make it stop.

Im sooooo over the Patriots. Make it stop.

Im sooooo over the Patriots. Make it stop.

FINALLY! As a Colts fan, this was long overdue. Now, we get to see who takes over to destroy Andrew Luck’s career even more. Although, nobody can do a better job of ruining a potential HOF QBs career better than Ryan Grigson.

Sure, keep telling yourself that.

No, i wanted a forum to let the masses know nodody gives a damn about women’s basketball. This seems to have really irked you.

Breaking news: Nobody gives a damn about womens college basketball.

Stay classy San Diego.

Festivus for the rest of us.

Let’s fighting love.

Ummm, how many chances is UofL going to get.

UK is going to absolutely demolish UofL on Wednesday night, that is unless Louisville has Kentuckys plays...

Booze, check. Tickets, check. $10.00 hot dog, check. Glock 40, with hollow tip bullets, check.

Apparently , he is an asshole