
Only one Random Roles by Will Harris and yet there’s two pieces by Sam Barsanti? Shame on you AV Club, shame on you. 

Not shown: parsley.


The trial was the craziest of many unfortunate attempts to improve  the commenting system. As I remember it several commenters had fatal seizures 

Is “salsa jar” a standard size, or is this just a “use as much as is in your heart” kind of thing?

It’s just the one swan, actually.

Luke Perry is the only celebrity I’ve ever met and I didn’t recognize him. I was in the standing room only section of an outdoor Bruce Springsteen concert, he stood next to me for a couple of songs and we chatted in between about how great the setlist was. Then he clapped me on the shoulder, said “have a good one” and

If I remember correctly, you’re supposed to post a picture of Peter Dinklage with a hula hoop.

Everything I know about Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector of England born in 1599 died in 1658 September) is from that Monty Python song.

Who the f- still uses a pay phone?

Oh dear god no. Fred/Illyria ruined me forever on Amy Acker and I just cannot stand her.

It’s a different genre entirely, but if you want more Vella Lovell she has a delightful role as a bored-with-it-all mermaid princess on the new Netflix She-Ra cartoon. It’s a cute show in general, but to hear her skip straight to episode 5 (incidentally also the best episode).

Josh making matzah brei for Rebecca was a nice parallel to her making dinuguan, right? Making an effort by diving into the other’s cultural background, except slightly simpler and less bloody when Josh does it. I can see why the memory might bring up romantic flutters for Rebecca (which would then quickly be followed

“Because... I’m  a DETECTIVE, Faust.”  Ralph at his finest.

Nah, this is an easy way to bring in Booster Gold to save this timeline setting up his rivalry with the Legends and Flash. Just think what great comedy gold (get it?) you’d have with Booster Gold and Team Flash or Legends.... It could be it’s own crossover with just Legends and Flash. GOLD I TELL YOU!

Actually, a triangle has multiple centers.

“What kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?”

It's not really Castlevania until someone finds a whole roast chicken embedded in a wall.

Circle of the Moon is the best Castlevania game. It's also my favorite Metroidvania besides Super Metroid. It's brutally difficult, awesome castle that feels enormous thanks to the character sprites being tiny, really gothic, great music, and most importantly it plays like a Classicvania that just so happens to have a