
I am really looking forward to this showing up on Netflix so I can finally watch it with closed-captioning. I don't know if it was just my region (I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area), but for the past several weeks they've been on the fritz. Other shows on the CW have been fine. I had to rewind Blaine's greeting to

As Charles Boyle has repeatedly said on Brooklyn 99, the most intimate thing you can do is wash your lover's hair.

If I recall correctly, in the novels it's Susan who chars him. (Not that this has any bearing on the show's or Big Finish's version.)

Gowns by Pepí.

the show’s memorable moments tend to be more ‘Lola killing a man with the mantel hatchet’ or ‘Catherine’s ghost husband wants her to kill Claude’

36 is not a "wah-wah" birthday! 36 is a square number! You have a party where everything is square! And for your 37th birthday, you eat prime rib.

And never turn on the A/C, even if it's the middle of summer!

Will he get the Gowron endorsement?

If the show doesn't explain what Missy and Nardole were doing, that leaves a time gap big enough to fit a Big Finish series into. I would be in favor of that.

Similarly, I thank the radio series for introducing me to Terry Riley.

My sister-in-law beat the game on her own, sent away for, received, and still has to this day the "I Got the Babel Fish" t-shirt.

I've been rewatching season one, and it's nuts how much Beatriz has lowered Rosa's voice over the years. Early Rosa pretty much sounds like present-day Rosa on helium.

Really?! Where in California? Meet-up time!





Fry, he opened up relations with China. He doesn't want to hear about your ding-dong.

Go to the Hotsy Totsy on San Pablo! There's drinks inside and a taco truck outside.

I need these for my Hannibal cosplay. Murder suit ahoy!