
Yes, because Uber drivers would not be on the road if they didn’t drive for Uber. Jesus Christ.

Do you read obituaries and shoot of letters telling the family they their grandpa was in fact, not the best grandpa ever? It is a write up of a great player who is ending his career. We are celebrating the years of entertainment he brought us via the medium of basketball.                                   Hot takes


As I have said in another comment, I have been in an Alabama prison. The human beings you speak of elect to stab, rape, extort and torture each other over everything from card games to cigarettes. Calm down a little. Unless your answer is to divide prisons by gang affiliation and make everything isolation, there will

American's have such a hard on for ignoring their own issues and trying to gift the world with their opinions.

As someone who was been in an Alabama prison, it is interesting to see the reaction all of this is getting, but also curious to see the lack of context. While clearly the prison is at fault, the majority of violence I saw was due to gang affiliation and drug debts. That should really be the easiest thing to fix, as it

I am surprised that you guys aren’t aware of this, but it is common courtesy to have condoms available on test drives. You don't want to touch a shifter or turn indicator stalk that hasn't been tested with your bare hands. 

“NO YOUR COUNTRY IS RACIST.” sweet lord what an unhealthy argument this has become. 

I agree, plus girls who don’t have the physical characteristics or the opportunity to play highly competitive basketball should have a non sexualized sport to look at. Female football is misused, and volleyball seems to be the summer highlight for perverts everywhere. It would be really nice if track and field were

Not to over reply to your posts, but isn't that setting a really low bar? Just because hockey players do a physical activity doesn't mean their success or contributions to society are any different than the Kardashians. It is all generally the same isn't it? Can't we try and inspire these kids to be doctors or

My question is, should someone who plays a sport for a few years, makes very little money, and does nothing to actually advance society be considered a role model? Sports are entertainment, athletes are entertainers, most of whom faulter under the watchful public eye. They retire broken, poor, damaged and eventually

They don’t shake fans down... They provide an entertainment service, one that does absolutely nothing to benefit society at large, and people pay to experience it. If you're going to take money from them to start fixing injustice or making the world a friendlier place, why would creating more useless entertainment be

I'm sure they would do it if there was actually a chance to make money, but the overall public interest doesn't seem to be there. 

It is ok, your team made it really far in the ACC promotional invite of 2019. That is a hell of an accomplishment. 

It is really a personality thing, we share a state with Auburn, and their accomplishments reflect well on Alabama as a whole. There are crazy fans, absolutely, but at the end of the day, I think Alabama and Auburn fans generally hate Tennessee and Georgia way more than we dislike each other. 

Talking shit about Alabama basketball is like telling a Duke fan that their football team sucks. It isn’t really a news flash. Avery was a good hire for recruiting and splash, but not for coaching. If Alabama wants to be competitive in basketball, they have to update their facilities and make more of an effort to

I’ve been saving, hoping that (at the time Dodge) Ram would introduce a new midsize pickup, I almost faltered last year, I came very close to buying a Durango. Now, now my more than a decade of saving and waiting and waiting and waiting, has finally, sort of paid off. Like all of my experiences with Mopar, it isn’t

As an Alabama fan, I hate this, but, as someone who hates Tennessee, I'd love to see Pearl win a championship the same year Tennessee got their dreams crushed... So, it is a win, I guess.

Ccomplaining about this seems almost petty. It would be different if the pep band got excluded from a pep band related competition, but the basketball team getting into the NCAA tournament doesn't automatically mean that the band has earned the chance to go as well. 

I just feel bad for the Deadspin writer who has to give us a play by play.